AirSlax 5.1 Base + Dictionary Generator v1.0 + Additional modules | 630.02 Mb
This program is designed to scan and further use of Wi-Fi networks. It features: when running scans all available channels ether, finds and catches the purpose disables client and analyzing data, selects a password, stores the results. Moreover, the utility gives you the ability to hack into the network with both encryption methods – WEP and WPA. In addition able to find the access point authentication WPS Protocol and to pick up the Pin. This version is actually a Live USB/CD with the operating system on an entry for the kernel.
The program menu is simple enough:
1. Scan ether
Selecting this menu item, scan the available Wi-Fi networks and clients connected to them.
2. Target
Here you can choose a target to attack from a list of networks obtained previously.
3. The interception target
Are intercepted packets coming from/to the selected Wi-Fi network. You must wait for the appearance of handshakes in the top right corner to see the message “WPA HANDSHAKE”. This window should not close when you need to perform the following paragraph.
4. Disable client
Disconnecting the client is to receive handshakes, as it is transmitted only when connected to Wi-Fi network. Therefore, disabling the client and must be running item 3 menu – Catching goal.
5. Selection of WPA password
After handshakes caught, you can proceed with the selection of the password dictionary. A small dictionary is already in the program, and to connect new, you must copy them to the directory slaxdict on the flashdrive.
6. Save the result
You can save the results of interception, to work with him further. The results are stored in the directory slaxchangesdumpresult. The file name is formed from the name of the Wi-Fi network and has the extension .cab.
7. Password WEP
Hacking WEPшифрования Wi-Fi network. Before running this option, you must complete three of the first menu item and left the Interception run. Hacking takes about 10 minutes.
8. Scan WPS
Scanning Wi-Fi networks with the authorization of the WPS Protocol.
9. Selection PIN WPS
Selection pin WPS takes quite a considerable amount of time – from several hours to several days. Nevertheless, revealed passwords of any complexity.
10. AUTOFIT and interception
This function scans and crack Wi-Fi networks automatically, but it is not necessary to abuse her, as she much litter in the air.
What’s new:
AirSlaxFull 3.3
Added using Bully. (selection pin wps)
Update drivers. Correction and addition of the script program.
AirSlaxFull 3.2
Fixed crash when loading with a large dictionary.
Now you can download the dictionaries of any size.
Dictionaries are now in the directory /slax/dict/
Updating applications, the addition of a script error correction.
AirSlax 5 Basic
– New kernel – supports more hardware.
– Small volume (a total of 133 MB)
– Boot time with flash for about 30 seconds.
– Corrections, additions in the main script steals and rebounds.
– The most important change: In version AirSlax 5 PRO (paid version) has added support for password using graphics cards (AMD, NVIDIA)that allows you to increase the search speed
AirSlax 5.1 Base
– Russification.
Russian interface of the OS and most programs.
– New kernel – 3.14.15
Updated old and added new hardware drivers.
– New version of reaver – 1.5
– Corrections and additions in the main script interception and password
The list of optional modules:
A printer.
As jobvite:
1. unpack the archive.
2. select the desired module (program)
3. Copy the folder AirSlax5baseporteusmodules on a flash drive.
Installation For it to work you need:
1. Unpack the downloaded archive (copy the unzipped file) on a USB flash drive (file system on the USB flash drive must be FAT16 or FAT32
2. To open (mount) the ISO image depending on the operating system, or extract the image of archiveros. Next, as step 1.
3. Go to the boot folder and run the setup program (available for Windows and Linux).(after this flash drive will be bootable) then go to restart and boot already with ready stick.
Dictionary Generator v.1.0 Portable:
Generate dictionaries of size up to 1,000 Terabytes.
Sorting dictionaries;
Remove dictionaries blank and duplicate rows;
The conversion of passwords in the dictionary to the correct case-sensitive;
Work with the program
The window Dictionary Generator is divided into several blocks:
Charsters set (charset)
Passwords generating (password Generation)
The Result
Progress (Progress)
The character set. What characters will be used when generating the dictionary. Normally, you can choose all of the English characters, both upper and lower case letters (A…Z; a…z) or a digit (0…9) and special characters (!”#…). But also you are given the opportunity to insert their characters. If you want to use Russian characters then just paste them into the blank field under offer. For simplicity, attach the Russian alphabet.
Generate password Settings:
Prepend text to each password is the text you want to add to the beginning of each password.
Append text to each password is the text you want to add to the end of each password.
Initial password is the password with which to start the generation.
Finall password – the password you want to finish the dictionary.
From Initial password fields and Finall password depends on your long passwords in the dictionary. That is, if you want your dictionary for brute force had passwords in length from 4 to 6 characters, you have to specify the initial password is 4 characters and the end of the 6. Example: Initial password aaaa Finall password zzzzzz. The starting and ending characters does not matter, the main thing that they were present in the set to generate you created in block Charsters set.
In the result window displays information about the number of words and the size of the dictionary according to your preferences.
To explain what progress I think it is pointless
As a dictionary with all possible characters long and from 8 symbols generated for a long time and take on the hard disk gigabytes, I advise you to create a mini slovariki with a specific set of characters. That is, select all the Russians and numbers or only English lowercase letters and numbers. Experiment. And good luck in your business.
On the note. The program has the option of sorting and cleaning your own dictionaries for cracking wep/wpa wifi networks, it is in the tab File.
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