
HippoEDIT 1.60.00 文本编辑器

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HippoEDIT v1.48.783

HippoEDIT 是一款适用于 Windows 操作系统专门为有能力的用户和开发者设计的文本编辑器。该软件拥有现代化的用户界面,多标签环境,无缝集成的网络浏览器,文件和项目资源管理器,集成的外部工具等。该编辑器带有适用于 C++, Java, Perl, PHP, HTML, XML 等预定义的语法突出显示功能。为了促进文本编辑,该软件提供了带有可定制的键盘快捷键,代码自动完成,代码提示以及带有一系列内置标识符的代码模板引擎的超过160个集成的命令。支持源代码概述,当前作用域和改变行指示,组合括号突出显示,缩进向导等有助于代码分析的功能。提供剪贴板提示,完全支持拖拽操作,包括用于在你的工作环境当中粘贴突出显示的语法到其它应用软件无缝集成的剪贴板格式透明使用功能。其它功能包括强大的搜索和替换功能,支持不同的文本编码,打印和预览,构造特殊的代码格式等。

HippoEDIT  | 5 MB

HippoEDIT is a powerful, fast and easy to use Windows text editor, primarily targeted at power users and programmers. It has modern and lightweight user interface, which supports different interface schemes, Multi Tab environment, seamless web and help browser, File Explorer and Project Explorer, external tools integration and more smart text editor functions.

Comes with pre-defined syntax highlighting for PHP, HTML, Perl, Java, Pascal, C/C++, XML, XSLT and more. Programming language definitions are inheritable and embeddable (JavaScript, PHP and CSS in HTML for example). Additional programming languages can be plugged with user syntax files.

To facilitate the text editing HippoEDIT provides more than 300 integrated commands with customizable keyboard shortcuts, auto-completion using syntax dictionary and statistical information, real-time code hints with best guesses from text editor and sophisticated code templates engine with big set of built-in tags.

Text editor has code outlining, current scope and changed lines indication, mismatching brace highlighting, indent guides etc. greatly help in program analysis and navigation.

Clipboard ring, full support of text and files drag & drop, transparent usage of different clipboard formats to paste syntax-highlighted text into other applications, or paste highlighted code as HTML back into text editor smoothly integrates HippoEDIT in your work environment.

Other features include powerful search and replace, support of different text encodings, WYSIWYG printing and previewing, programming language specific formatting rules, multiple undo/redo, and other text editing functions.

Home Page – http://hippoedit.com/

HippoEDIT 1.60.00

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