
Best Service Chris Hein Winds Vol 3 Oboe KONTAKT

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Best Service Chris Hein Winds Vol 3 Oboe KONTAKT | 7.06 Gb

Chris Hein – Winds is an extensive woodwinds library meeting highest expectations in regard to sound quality, expression and applicability. The library’s instruments are based upon meticulously, extensively and detailed prepared multi samples with an offering of numerous articulations and up to eight dynamic layers.

The instruments can be loaded as elaborated full sample-sets, offering all articulations ready to be played on the keyboard. On the other hand, thanks to the library’s modular concept, significantly reduced versions can be called up to keep load-times fast and memory requirements low. In clean-start configuration, only a sustain-set is loaded into memory. All other articulations and functions demanding additional memory and CPU-load can be loaded with a single click whenever needed. This allows fluent and efficient work, even on compact and mobile production systems with less powerful specifications.

The combination of long and short notes is a major problem in sample-libraries, that often fail to deliver detailauthentic sounding results. With real musical instruments, the note length often influences the attack behavior as well as the note end. Chris Hein – Winds addresses these aspect by its „Note Head Designer“. Here, along with each sustain-articulation six matching shorts sample variations (Shorts) can be called up using controls or MIDI-controllers. These Shorts not only offer the corresponding correct attack-behavior but also a note-end that perfectly matches the note length. These user-defined selections of short-note-variations are available in eight dynamic layers each and can be combined with the corresponding sustained phases, leading to astonishing realistic results that cannot be achieved using random round-robin based selections. Of course, these shorts are also available as individual articulations.

The instruments of Chris Hein – Winds offer true legato in up to four dynamic layers. For example, while playing the French Horn, the sample-engine selects between over 2,200 samples for the perfect note-transition, resulting in legato-realism simply unheard until now. At the same time, it is possible to combine these realistic combinations with additional artificial inserted legatos.

The library’s performance-data directly reflect the immense investment of recordings and configuration possibilities. Each instrument builds upon almost 10,000 single samples, 14 articulations and up to eight dynamic layers. This makes Chris Hein – Winds the most in-depth-library of orchestral woodwinds currently available. The custom-tailored user-interface of the Kontakt Player not only offers numerous functions to adapt the library’s sound character and articulations but also offers immense configuration choices to live up to specific demands and workflows. At the same time, the library can also be effectively played without any need for deep edits. 26 pre-programmed key-switch-presets at the lower part of the keyboard (A-1 to A#1) allow fast tryouts of all available types.

• Oboe 1
• Oboe D’Amore
• English Horn

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