Mobile Net Switch是一个可以在笔记本电脑中使用的网络转换工具!一个可以迅速改变IP及多项设置的利器,它可以将你每个不同的网络环境建立一个参数配置文件 (profile),到某个网络的时候,还原(restore)为相应的配置文件即可,无需重启。它可以设置多个选项,包括驱动器的正确镜像,默认打印机 的设置,代理服务器及IP地址等等。
Mobile Net Switch 让计算机对网络的配置变得象鼠标点击一样的容易便捷,它包括自动地选择正确的驱动路径、打印机设置、IP设置等。所有的这些设置立即生效,不需要重新启动计算机。 Mobile Net Switch 以配置文件为基础,每个配置文件可以通过网络设置轻易的配置,配置完后只需要激活相应的配置文件,在很短的时间内机器就自动配置好了,如果要添加、编辑、复制、重命名,只需点击“Profiles”菜单的相应选项。
Mobile Net Switch 5x | 4.2 MB
Mobile Net Switch is an award-winning and feature complete program for Windows XP and Windows Vista. It enables you to use your computer on more than one network or location with the click of a button. Mobile Net Switch allows you to automatically switch network related settings on the fly based on location profiles. With the click of a single button you can set Drive mappings, Internet connection settings, Printer settings, IP settings, Wi-Fi settings and much more! The powerful easy to use interface allows you to configure your computer for every network you will be connecting to (Workgroup or Domain).
It’s the perfect solution for everyone with a mobile computer who is using it on more than one network (e.g. when you are using your machine on multiple locations, offices or at home). Each location is stored in a profile. Simply select a profile and your drives will be mapped correctly, the correct default printer will be selected, IP Addresses will be set correctly, the correct Proxy Server will be configured, and much more. You will be able to use your machine on any network with ease!
Mobile Net Switch is a network switch utility, also called a netswitcher or multinetwork manager and enables you to create multiple network profiles. The program has been designed to allow you to switch between several network profiles instantly, without needing to restart your computer. It also incorporates a professional yet easy to use interface and even allows you to enable none-admin users to configure network settings without technical knowledge.
OS : Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows XP
Language : English
Home Page – http://www.mobilenetswitch.com
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