JitBit Macro Recorder是一款鼠标键盘动作录制工具,可以将录制好的鼠标键盘命令制作成EXE程序分享给朋友,日常工作中我们总会用到鼠标键盘重复做一些动作,这款程序可以帮我们录制这些重复的动作然后自动完成这些工作,节约了我们大量的时间。
JitBit Macro Recorder支持很多命令,各种鼠标的左右点击等命令、键盘的各种击键命令、延迟命令(等待窗口、等待用户输入、等待进程启动等)、文件操作命令(复制、删除、打开或者是否存在的判断命令)、窗口命令(关闭窗口、切换窗口、移动窗口、窗口是否存在等判断命令)、文本命令、剪贴板命令、查色找色判断命令、找图命令、关机重启命令、网络命令等,程序甚至允许你输入C#代码!同时支持循环判断、重复执行等功能!
Jitbit Macro Recorder | 1.1 MB
Macro Recorder – the best macro program for Windows. Not just a keyboard and mouse recorder but a powerful automation tool that converts macros to EXE files and more. All recorded keystrokes and mouse activity can be saved to disk as a macro (script) for later use, bound to a hotkey, extended with custom commands or even compiled to an EXE file (a standalone Windows application). This macro recording program will save you a lot of time on repetitive tasks. You can use the Macro Recorder to automate ANY activity in ANY windows application, record on-screen tutorials.
– Easy to try. If the trial period is too short for you – let us know and we’ll extend it for you.
– Extremely simple. Macro Recorder features an easy and straightforward user interface. Forget about hours wasted on reading manuals. Start using Macro Recorder in seconds. Just click “Record” with your mouse and perform some activity.
– Flexible. Edit your macros with the built-in full-featured Visual Macro Maker, enjoy the Macro Recorder’s full windows-shell integration and scheduling
– Automation software. Insert custom commands and statements into your macros, like: “launch website”, “open file”, “wait for window”, “goto”, “shutdown” and many more. Add logic to your macros using the “IF – THEN” statement, “REPEAT X TIMES” statement.
– C# scripting language – you can insert code snippets in C#
– EXE-compiler. Convert your macro to an EXE-file which runs on any windows-compatible computer. To save space and improve performance the resulting EXE file is packed and compressed using the advanced optimization techniques.
– Accessible. Assign your mouse & keyboard macros to hotkeys and run it from any application
– Adjustable. Variable playback speed, macro recording filters, loop macro playback, “stealth-mode” macro recording and more.
– Debug your macros: insert breakpoints, play partially or loop your playback.
– Human-readable macro file format, plain text script easy for editing in external editors
– SMART-Rec mouse recorder technology that optionally records your mouse in relative coordinates
Home Page – http://www.jitbit.com/macro-recorder/
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