
Gradekeeper 6.8 DC 20.11.2013

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Gradekeeper 6.7


Gradekeeper 6.8 | 3.5 MB

The gradebook grid shows students, assignments, scores, and grades for the current term. Changing or adding students or assignments and scores is as simple as clicking and typing. Gradekeeper recomputes grades automatically. Generate random student IDs. Curve an assignment. It’s all quick and easy.

The Attendance Grid

The attendance grid shows students, dates, and attendance codes. Marking a student absent or tardy is as simple as clicking and typing. Gradekeeper updates the number of absences and tardies automatically. You choose which days of the week are displayed. You can specify non-class days and choose to hide those days.

The Seating Chart

The seating chart shows students’ assigned seats. You can choose the number of rows and columns and remove or hide specific seats to get the arrangement you want. You can assign seats alphabetically or randomly. You can take attendance for the current date from the seating chart.

Gradebook Options

Gradekeeper gives you options. You can set up your school year to use semesters, trimesters, quarters, or six terms. You can choose which days of the week classes meet. You can set up your own assignment categories and how you want grades to be computed. You can add your own special scores and attendance codes. And you can even have Gradekeeper automatically lower a student’s grade based on the number of absences that student has.

Printing Reports

Gradekeeper can also display ten different reports. Here are just a few examples.

The student scores report is a complete report of a student’s performance. It lists every assignment and its date, category, points possible, and that student’s score. You can choose to include a summary of that student’s grades by category and by term.

Internet Reporting

Gradekeeper can send email progress reports to all your students. Once you’ve entered or imported student email addresses and set up your email address and server, you can send email reports for all your students in seconds!

Home Page – http://www.gradekeeper.com/

Gradekeeper 6.8 DC 20.11.2013

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Gradekeeper 6.8

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