STAR-CCM+是CD-adapco公司采用最先进的连续介质力学数值技术(computational continuum mechanics algorithms)开发的新一代CFD求解器。它搭载了CD-adapco独创的最新网格生成技术,可以完成复杂形状数据输入、表面准备——如包面(保持形状、简化几何、自动补洞、防止部件接触、检查泄露等功能)、表面网格重构、自动体网格生成(包括多面体网格、六面体核心网格、十二面体核心网格、四面体网格)等生成网格所需的一系列作业。
STAR-CCM+ 软件是由CD-adapco Group公司开发的新一代通用计算流体力学(CFD)分析软件。
CD-Adapco Star CCM+ 8.06 | 4.2 Gb
CD-adapco, the largest privately held CFD-focused CAE provider, announced the release of STAR-CCM+ v8.06, the third release in 2013 of their flagship simulation tool. New release enhances its user experience, simulation scope and turnaround time.
Enhanced User Experience
Simulation Assistant, an interactive user interface that allows users to reproduce best practices and deploy them across the whole organization, ensuring repeatability of processes and enforcing consistency of results.
The Simulation Assistant is also the perfect tool for introducing new or inexperienced engineers to their simulation process, following a tailored step-by-step approach that guides the engineer through each of the stages necessary to obtain high quality results.
STAR-CCM+ v8.06 also introduces STAR-SpaceClaim, a new CAD Client and bi-directional and associative connectivity for all CAD clients. This means that parametric design studies are driven by the simulation model while geometry is updated by the CAD package, again ensuring ease-of-use and a single source geometry file.
Expanded Coverage
STAR-CCM+ v8.06 introduces Reynolds Stress Modeling for Eulerian Multiphase, which improves the accuracy of swirling flow and vortex simulations. This new multicomponent boiling model allows components to evaporate individually, aiding in the modeling of refinery and distillation processes. The ability to simulate multiphase models with overset meshes opens up the possibility to address problems such as ice buildup on aircraft wing flaps or spray painting. DEM (Discrete Element Method) particles can now carry an active scalar that can be used to simulate applications such as tablet coating thickness or moisture content for wood chip drying.
Improved Turnaround Time
Users of DEM will notice substantial performance improvements in STAR-CCM+ v8.06, with simulations taking as little as 30% of the time taken in previous versions. Central to these improvements have been optimizations to the core DEM algorithms and a new “skinning” option to avoid repeated contact detection. The introduction of a new parallel trimmer will allow the faster creation of larger meshes, thus increasing overall productivity.
For more information, please visit: this
Name: CD-Adapco Star CCM+
Version: 8.06.005
Home: www.cd-adapco.com
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows X32/X64 /Linux 64bit
Size: 4.2 Gb
Special Thanks TeAM SOlidSQUAD-SSQ
CD-Adapco Star CCM+8.06.005 Windows X32/X64 /Linux 64bit
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