
Disgaea D2 A Brighter Darkness USA PS3-ANTiDOTE

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 日本一 Software 的招牌系列游戏《魔界战记》,是以回合制的模拟 RPG 为基础,再以独自的系统加上大量作品梗所为人所知的系列。抛弃以往 SRPG 的框架,而用“投掷”(不问敌我、物件皆从地图上直接投掷使其移动的系统)作为重点,参杂了许多独特的要素。

英文名称:Disgaea D2 A Brighter Darkness
游戏制作:Nippon Ichi
游戏发行:Nippon Ichi

 Group ANTiDOTE has released the US region PS3 game “Disgaea D2 A Brighter Darkness”. Enjoy!

Description: Celebrating the 20th year of Nippon Ichi Software and 10th anniversary of the Disgaea series, Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness brings back the popular trio from the first game: Laharl, Etna, and Flonne. With a completely new and original storyline, it offers game system refinements that will entice new fans, while still offering the same kind of hardcore, over-the-top, endless gameplay that is sure to please longtime fans.

The Netherworld – a place where might makes right and today’s friends are tomorrow’s enemies. After a long journey with many ups and downs, Laharl finally finds himself as a full-fledged Overlord. However, the other denizens of the Netherworld do not see him as such, so he sets out on a journey with his loyal(!?) vassals to receive the respect he deserves. Along the way, Laharl will meet a girl who claims to be his sister, demons with bigger than usual chips on their shoulders, and find out that even his own body holds a few surprises for him.


  • Enhanced Customization: The character creation system has been completely revamped to allow for the highest level of character customization in series history!
  • Master/Pupil System: The player chooses the master and the pupil, as well as which skills to learn! Benefits include new skills and higher weapon proficiencies for the pupil, while the master gets a stat boost
  • Item World: Challenge this battleground to power up your weapons, items, and characters! Prepare to deal massive damage!
  • Geo Panels: These status-altering blocks provide bonuses or detriments to the terrain! Change the tide of battle by skillfully manipulating these elemental icons!
  • Reunite with old friends and meet a new crew: Bringing back the fan favorite trio of Laharl, Etna, and Flonne, with new characters and a brand-new story!

Publisher: Nippon Ichi Software, NIS America
Developer: Nippon Ichi Software
Genre: Strategy, Turn-Based
Region: USA

Release Name: Disgaea_D2_A_Brighter_Darkness_USA_PS3-ANTiDOTE
Size: 1.66 GB
Links: Homepage

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