
Battle Worlds Kronos-FLT

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《战斗世界:克洛诺斯(Battle Worlds: Kronos)》的是一款独立游戏新作,这款游戏原为KING Art Games工作室时隔六年的重启项目,而在短短一周内,《战斗世界:克洛诺斯》在Kickstarter上募集的资金就已经达到筹款目标,也就是说,这款游戏出定了!官方为了庆祝目标达成,特地放出了本作的首支预告片,一起来看看吧!

英文名称:Battle Worlds: Kronos
游戏制作:King Art Game
游戏发行:King Art Game

 Kronos is a new promising strategy game for pc windows, don’t sleep on this one.

Have you ever asked yourself what a classic turn-based strategy game like „Battle Isle“ or „Panzer General“ would look like today?
What modern technology and graphics would add to such a game? Well, we actually did and as a result we decided to bring back this great genre with its unique gameplay experience. We`re doing this for you, for ourselves, and for all the other gamers out there who are into turn-based strategy games.


  • Single Player Campaigns – Fight for the “Yerla” faction, a highly technologized army. For the Rebels, make do with what you’ve got and fight a guerilla war. Together both campaigns will allow for more than 30 hours of gameplay.
  • Single Player Challenge Maps – Test your skills in different combat scenarios and keep track of your progress.
  • Live Multiplayer – Battle your friends live on the interent or via hot-seat.
  • Asynchronous Multiplayer – Take all the time you need and consider your moves . Similar to “play-by-mail”, your round is stored on our server and turned over to your opponent. The system allows you to continue the match anytime and anywhere you want.
  • Strong AI – A clever AI that considers gameplay on various tactical and strategic levels as well as individual enemy characteristics will challenge even experienced commanders.
  • Map Editor – A powerful editor to create your own maps and missions.

Publisher: King Art Games
Developer: King Art Games
Genre: Strategy

Release name: Battle_Worlds_Kronos-FLT
Size: 732MB
Links: Homepage

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