超级的文字编辑器,除可取代Windows的Notepad外,它可编辑大的文件,在打列方面也能调整边界、页码等,它亦可读写DOS ASCII and UNIX等格式文件,对HtmL更提供了多种的工具,可轻易快速的编写
NoteTab Pro Retail | 3.7 MB
Jotting down various notes doesn’t have to be done in an overly-complicated text editor. NoteTab Pro is a small program that was designed to give you a simple solution to taking notes and editing HTML codes. The app has a simple interface that should be easy to figure out, thanks to the intuitive layout. As mentioned, NoteTab Pro is an app that makes text editing an easy task. You may work on several notes at the same time, since they can be opened in separate tabs.
For webmasters NoteTab Pro the fastest HTML editor. For others it’s the most versatile text editor. For power users it’s a unique text-processing work horse. What will it be for you?
NoteTab Pro offers great features like:
multiple-level undo/redo
blazingly fast and flexible search & replace tools
easy-to-use wildcards for searching (like * and ?)
an integrated two-pane outliner
real-time word count (NoteTab or Microsoft Word method)
text statistics for SEO (HTML code automatically ignored)
support for HTML5 and CSS3
support for Twitter’s Bootstrap toolkit
syntax highlighting for HTML, XML, and CSS files
a multilingual spell checker and thesaurus
customizable menu shortcuts and toolbars
OS : Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, ME, NT4, 2008, 2003, 2000, 98
Language : English
Home Page – http://www.notetab.com
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