
Age of Empires II HD The Forgotten Multi3-0×0007

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 0×0007 has released “Age of Empires II HD The Forgotten” for PC. It is the second expansion pack to the 1999 real-time strategy game Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, and the first new expansion to the game in over a decade.


Description: Welcome to Age of Empires II HD – The Forgotten; the first new official expansion for the Age of Empires II universe in over ten years. Challenge friends with five additional civilizations and technologies, battle through four campaigns, vanquish opponents in new game modes on massive maps, or shoutcast a match and stream it all through twitch.tv.

Crafted exclusively for Age of Empires II: HD Edition; The Forgotten expansion builds upon the Age of Empires II: HD experience and includes Steam workshop support, new expansion rankings, steam trading cards, and more!


  • Italians – Set sail to Venice and take the role as general in one of the Italian republics that emerged from the chaos after the collapse of the Roman Empire!
  • Indians – Put vast armies under your command, comprised of countless Camels and powerful Elephants.
  • Slavs – Even after the dissolution of the Mongolian Golden Horde, these icy planes of Eastern Europe still echo under the thundering hooves and countless boots of your soldiers.
  • Magyars – Lead the mighty Black Army over the Hungarian plains and command the fiercest cavalry forces that Europe has ever witnessed in the Middle Ages
  • Incas – Lead your armies along the shores of Lake Titicaca, defend your wealth and heritage from the invading Conquistadors and erect mighty structures to withstand the test of time.


Genre: Strategy
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Developer: Hidden Path Entertainment, Ensemble Studios
Language: EN/DE/FR

Release Name: Age.of.Empires.II.HD.The.Forgotten.Multi3-0×0007
Size: 1.78 GB
Links: Homepage

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