
Sword of the Stars The Pit Gold Edition-TiNYiSO

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The pit是星际之剑(sword of the stars)制作组根据SOTS 的世界架构做的一款rougelike游戏。和大多数rougelike一样,游戏需要你一层层的在地牢里往下爬,最终完成某一目标(游戏一共有30层),但与一般rougelike 游戏的奇幻背景不同,the pit是一款科幻背景下的rougelike, 游戏里有激光枪,有EMP手雷,还有医疗包哦。The pit的游戏画面风格也相当讨巧,是制作精美的2D动画风格,简洁却不简陋。

   作为SOTS的衍生作品,在the pit里玩家不但能见到SOTS里的各种生物,还能找到与各个种族息息相关的奇奇怪怪的科幻物品。玩家可以通过游戏内的各种craft系统将这些物品组合,制成能够帮助冒险的武器盔甲和实用品。游戏中大量的合成配方需要玩家在游戏里通过hack电脑来获得,而且有意思的是,这些信息里很多内容都是外星语,需要你去猜到底是什么意思,自己慢慢尝试。

   游戏很好上手,系统也不复杂,但是需要指出的是游戏本身真的很难,哪怕只是normal难度,玩家开始能杀到流程的一半都已经很了不起了。开始的几关自然轻轻松松,但是越往后玩难度越大,面对种类繁多的敌人和陷阱,伴随你的将是各种千奇百怪的死法。饿死,被陷阱杀死,被拟态怪吃掉,被机器人轰杀成渣,黑电脑失败被电死,中毒后找不到解药被毒死……总之是各种欢乐。另外这游戏绝对的hardcore, 不存在S/L, 死了就是死了,只能重新来过。当然如果做不到这点也就别扯什么rougelike了。

   游戏的战斗难度也很大,往往上一层时你已经威风凛凛,觉得可以神挡杀神时,到了下一层警报一亮,冲出来的几个新鲜猛大爹就能打的你哭爹喊娘。而玩到后来,也常常会出现各种找不到食品/找不到锅子,子弹不对口的情况,使得玩家不得不一直保持着危机感,仔细斟酌自己的每一步选择。玩the pit, 相信玩家不会轻易感受到那种后期已然无敌于天下的感觉,反而是越到后来就越为谨慎,生怕一个不小心前功尽弃。

英文名称:Sword of the Stars: The Pit – Gold Edition
游戏制作:Kerberos Productions

 TiNYiSO has released the new game “Sword of the Stars The Pit Gold Edition” for PC.

Description: Since its first demo was released in the Fall of 2012, The Pit has become an indie hit with its blend of Roguelike action and sci-fi depth! Players were challenged to survive 30 floors of The Pit using one of three characters – the Marine, the Engineer, and the Scout – then in The Pit: MindGames players were given two new characters – the Psion and the alien Tarka Ranger – and ten more floors to survive through, as well as a wealth of new items, recipes, weapons, and nasty creatures to fight!

To celebrate the success of the series, we’re releasing this Gold edition, which not only gives you the game, the expansion, and all the free content we added along the way, but we’re adding three new playable characters – The Hiver Warrior, the Liir Seeker, and the Morrigi Striker! Now you can test yourself against The Pit using all the major races from the Sword of the Stars universe!

The Gold Edition Features List:

  • Three new Character classes, each from a different previously unplayable alien race.
  • Over 65 new items
  • Over 35 new monsters
  • Over 50 new messages which means lots of all new hidden recipes
  • 30 new weapons, including new alien weapons
  • 2 new Biome levels – Snow and Desert
  • 2 new play modes; Quick, which reduces the number of rooms per floor and Fast, which skips ever second floor!
  • Plus 1 hidden character, which you can unlock to help you out when things get tough!


Genre: Adventure, Casual, Indie, RPG, Strategy
Publisher: Kerberos
Developer: Kerberos Productions

Release Name: Sword.of.the.Stars.The.Pit.Gold.Edition-TiNYiSO
Size: 1.04 GB

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