
Champions Of Chaos 2-WaLMaRT

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《乱世英雄2》Champions Of Chaos2是一款回合制战斗类游戏,由BeautiFun Games制作与发行。该系列第二部,全新的设计,更加精美的画面,全新的关卡,让游戏更加有趣,更多精彩需要你在游戏中体验,赶紧进入游戏挑战吧!


 Group WaLMaRT has released pc game “Champions Of Chaos 2″. Enjoy!

Description: Champions of chaos 2 is an Arena turn based RPG where the player can combine up to 10 different classes in a two man party to fight waves of enemies and gain reputation and allies. The battle system combine elements of “Grandia” and final fantasy with “Marvel vs Capcom” special moves.

You lead a two character party of ambassadors, warriors of the rebel forces, looking to make an alliance with the free nations of the west in order to have the military power to fight back the advancing dark emperor forces. To win the trust of the leaders of the nations of the west you must show your people strength in the different arenas of their nations.


  • Create a two Character party, from a variety of 10 unique classes (each with unique skills, fighting styles, stats, story and motivations)
  • Battle in the arena in a classic turn based fight style mixed with some fun twists.
  • Destroy your enemies with the Chaotic Power, a powerful and special ability that can be unleashed only when your party charges enough chaotic energy, a resource that fills every time you cast a spell or perform an attack.
  • Party and individual characters customizations
  • Llama fights at the local llamadrome!
  • bosses
  • extra bosses
  • Cool story
  • 2 endings per character
  • Achievements
  • Buy new weapons, learn new skills, train against zombies, buy cheerleaders and much more!

Release Name: Champions.Of.Chaos.2-WaLMaRT
Size: 46.23 MB
Links: Homepage

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