Contacts Sync For Google Gmail 可将Mac OS X通讯录与gmail邮箱的的通讯录同步。
“Gmail与iOS联系人同步软件(Contacts Sync For Google Gmail)”软件可以帮助你迅速、便利地同步你的Gmail和iPhone联系人,这样,无论你走到哪里,你随时都可以查看最新的联系人信息。该应用程序以其可靠性、使用方便、运行速度快而且拥有真正的“双向同步”等特点而在众多的应用软件中脱颖而出。有了它,你就可以把你更改的联系人合并到你的Gmail和iPhone通讯录中。这款能够使Gmail与iPhone / iPad/ iPod联系人同步的应用软件位居畅销排行榜第一名,赢得广大用户的好评。
这款应用程序提供的可自定义功能设计有很多令你意想不到的很有创意的方法。你可以根据你所喜欢的任何方向进行同步,例如,你可以双向或单向同步Gmail通讯录到iPhone中,反之亦然。你也可以使用此应用程序将你的iPhone联系人备份到Gmail中或者也可以将Gmail同步到你们公司的Exchange Server联系人中。多种可以变通的使用方法。
• 拥有真正的双向同步功能,你可以将已被更改的iPhone通讯录合并到已被更改的Gmail通讯录中。
• 你可以根据需要,选择以下5种同步方式:双向同步、同步Gmail联系人 – > iPhone中、同步iPhone联系人-> Gmail中、手动同步以及同步Facebook联系人 – > Gmail中。
• 可以选择你特别需要的无论是iCloud帐号、Exchange帐户、或只是一个本地通讯录与iPhone联系人同步。
• 选择过滤群组同步
• 自动合并你所更改的上次同步的同一联系人。
• 自动删除同步联系人
• 通过自动匹配共享相同名称的Gmail联系人和iPhone联系人以防止出现重复。
• 可以快速传输1000多个联系人,并且可测试10,000多个联系人(如iPhone4或更高版本、iPad2或更高版本、3G 版iPod Touch或更高版本等)
• 同步通讯录群组
• 同步好友通讯录照片
• 同步自定义标签
• 可以同步几乎所有的通讯录内容,其中包括姓名、拼音名、昵称、电子邮件地址、电话号码、邮寄地址、公司名称、职务、部门、生日、结婚周年纪念日、活动、笔记、网页地址以及家庭关系等。
• 可以忽略Gmail中的“其他联系人”选项,因此他们不会被同步到你的iPhone中。
• 确认每一个变化,应用程序将同步实际上开始之前
• 翻译成14种语言
Contacts Sync For Google Gmail v4.0.0 Mac OS X | 2.3 MB
Contacts Sync For Google Gmail allows you to quickly & easily sync your Gmail & Mac contacts so you can have access to your contacts wherever you go. This app stands out with its reliability, ease of use, speed, and with a true “2-way sync” that allows you to merge changes you’ve made to your Gmail & Mac contacts. Also of significance, this app syncs contact groups with Google. For instance, you may have your Gmail contacts organized into groups such as “friends,” “family,” and “coworkers.” With this app, you can sync your Gmail contacts to your Mac and they’ll appear in the same groups.
With the customizability that this app provides, it can be used in a number of creative ways that you might not have imagined. To start with, you can perform syncs in any direction you like including 2-way syncs and 1-way syncs from Gmail to Mac and vice versa. You can use this app to backup your Mac contacts to Gmail or to sync your corporate Exchange Server contacts with Gmail. The possibilities are endless.
• Features true 2-way sync that allows you to merge changes you’ve made to your Mac contacts with changes you’ve made to your Gmail contacts
• Choose from one of the following 4 sync modes: 2-way sync, Gmail contacts -> Mac, Mac contacts -> Gmail, & Manual Sync
• Choose which Mac contacts account you want to sync specifically whether it’s an iCloud account, an Exchange account, or just a local address book
• Choose to sync contacts automatically in the background, or manually initiate each sync
• Choose to sync specific groups only
• Automatically merges matching contacts when necessary
• Automatically syncs contact deletions
• Prevents duplicate contacts by automatically matching your Gmail contacts & Mac contacts that share the same name
• Quickly transfers even 1000’s of contacts, and tested with up to 10,000 contacts
• Syncs contact groups
• Syncs contact photos
• Syncs custom labels & fields
• Syncs all contact fields including names, phonetic names, nicknames, email addresses, phone numbers, postal addresses, company names, job titles, departments, birthdays, anniversaries, events, notes, web page addresses, relationships, & social profiles
• Option to ignore “Other Contacts” in Gmail so they don’t get synced to your Mac
• Confirm each change the app will make before the sync actually begins
• App translated into 10 languages
• Compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 or later including Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9)
• Compatible with iCloud contacts
What’s New in Version 4.0.0
* Redesigned confirm sync screen
* New “sync details” screen
* Compare matching Gmail & Mac contact cards directly from the app
* Improved duplicate detection
* Other various improvements
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