全世界最强的英文OCR,辨识率超过 99%
●最强的辨识率 OmniPage 是目前世界上辨识率最高、辨识速度最快的辨识软件,辨识率比12.0版提高35%以上,整体辨识率高达99%以上,可以正确辨识各种图形 (包括Adobe PDF) 的文件,并扩大了医学及法律的字典。
●支援Adobe PDF 文件辨识 可以设定 PDF 文件(包括影像档的文件)辨识的页数范围,直接辨识图形、文字和表格,将完整页面输出到 Word 文件,直接图文整合翻译。并可将扫描好的文件直接转存成可编辑格式的 PDF 文件。
●单键自动辨识 只要一个按钮,便可自动完成分析、辨识、储存辨识好的文件,并可转换成可编辑的文字文件。自动解析表格、文字、图形,并且完整保留文件格式。
●Microsoft Office 整合技术 直接在 Microsoft Word、Excel、PowerPoint 内建辨识、设定指令,辨识结果可以储存成 .doc .xls .htm .txt .tif .Rtf 多种格式。
●可以辨识表格储存成试算表格式 全世界唯一可以与 Excel 试算软件结合的英文辨识软件。可将复杂的表格辨识转存为 .Xls 格式。
●支援多国语言 支援最多语系的辨识软件,共支援119种文字,可以辨识法文、德文、义文、西班牙文、葡萄牙文、瑞典文…等等。
●模拟人声发音 所有辨识好的文字都可以利用 Text-to-Speech 发音整篇文章来进行校稿动作。
●重新切割区块辨识 提供区块重新切割功能,变更区块属性等再辨识功能,让您能够修正错误的辨识结果,以便利校对文稿。
●辨识 Adobe PDF 文件(包括影像档的文件)
●将文件图形和影像直接转成Adobe PDF 文件
Nuance Omnipage Professional 18.1.11378.1015
Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish
OmniPage uses optical character recognition (OCR) technology to transform data from scanned pages or image files into electronic files you can edit, search and share in the format of your choice. In just a few clicks you could be completing tasks that have previously taking hours. OmniPage unlocks the potential of the data in your documents. Once you’ve scanned…
System Requirements:
Windows® 7 32-bit or 64-bit Editions, Windows Vista™ 32-bit or 64-bit Editions with Service Pack 2, Windows XP 32-bit Edition with Service Pack 3, Windows 8 32-bit or 64-bit Edition.
A computer with a 1 GHz Intel® Pentium®, or higher, or equivalent processor. Multi-Core processor recommended for advanced performance
512 MB of memory (RAM), 1 GB recommended for advanced performance
250 MB of free hard disk space for the application files and sample images, plus 100 MB working space during installation. An additional 230 MB for RealSpeak® Solo speech modules.
30 MB for Nuance Cloud Connector
1024×768 pixel color monitor with 16-bit color or greater video card
CD-ROM drive for installation
WIA, TWAIN or ISIS scanner driver
2-megapixel digital camera with auto-focus or higher for digital camera text capture
Web access required for online Activation, Registration, Live Update and Nuance Cloud Connectors
Home Page – http://www.nuance.com
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