
Knights And Merchants The Shattered Kingdom v1.2 Multilingual MacOSX Retail-CORE

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            骑士与商人:破碎的王国: 戏故事发生在一个原本和平的国家。女王Karolus仁慈和蔼,在她的统治下国家没有流行病、没有战乱和起义。但是好景不长,女王有一个引已自豪的儿子和王位继承人:Lothar王子。由于王子的傲慢和自己势力的膨胀,他越来越不支持女王的政府,并密谋引起火灾,女王知道后将王子处以死刑。王子出逃后联合一些贵族和自己的地方势力,组成叛军与王国对抗,经过血腥的战斗后,叛军胜利了,王国只剩下了最后的一个城堡。而玩家就从这里开始指挥王军,收复国土,打败叛军。整个14关任务,有发展的关,有直接战斗的关卡。地形新加入了“冰天雪地”、“火山熔岩”等。并增加了游戏难度,提高了电脑的人工智能,对TSK老玩家将是一种新的挑战。

 CORE has released the new game “Knights And Merchants The Shattered Kingdom” For MacOSX.

Description: KNIGHTS AND MERCHANTS can be described as a strategic economy simulation. Economics play a major role in this real-time action game. The player can manufacture different products, making use of numerous buildings and producer goods of the Middle Ages period. He can then use his serfs to construct and maintain buildings and roads. The economical structuring is very specific – you manufacture finished products using various raw materials which go through your production processes. All these manufacturing systems are highly detailed and visually understandable, enabling fast and dependable control of your economy.


  • Lush realistic landscapes based on the European countryside
  • 20 thrilling Missions
  • About 20 different buildings, including horse stables, farms and gold mines
  • More than 12 different types of characters
  • Different troop types, including archers, scouts and knights
  • On-screen hints and tutorials provide easy guidance to get you started
  • Realistic landscape display
  • Production and movement portrayed in detailed animation

Release Name: Knights.And.Merchants.The.Shattered.Kingdom.v1.2.Multilingual.MacOSX.Retail-CORE
Size: 266.16 MB
Links: Mac App Store 

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