
Risk of Rain-RAiN

Games/游戏 dsgsd 254浏览 0评论

 雨中冒险risk of rain一款Roguelike的横版动作游戏,初始只有2个职业——指挥官(Commando)和矿工(Miner)。音乐暂无,画风为点阵像素风格,但不影响其游戏性。

这款游戏无论在道具上还是怪物种类方面,都有着极其丰富的种类。与大部分roguelike游戏类似,打怪或开宝箱所获得的道具,遇到的BOSS,都有着很高的随机性。玩这类游戏,不光操作要好,脸也很重要,否则出门遇到BOSS,直接Game Over。另外,该游戏也继承了Rguelike类游戏的一贯特点——一命模式,死了就得重头再来,早期死了无所谓,后期死了那真是一把辛酸泪,这也使其具有了一定的挑战性。

英文名称:Risk of Rain

 Group RAiN has released a small pc game called “Risk of Rain”. Enjoy!

Description: Risk of Rain is an action platformer with roguelike elements. With permanent death as a primary feature, players will have to play their best to get as far as possible. Fight on a mysterious planet with randomly spawning enemies and bosses, either alone or with 3 friends in online co-op. With over 100 items at your disposal, you will find the tools you need to find the teleporter back home. Discover a myriad of randomly chosen stages, from the desolate forest to the frozen tundra.


  • Engage in local and online multiplayer with friends and other players from around the world!
  • Play and unlock 10 unique characters, from the Commando to the Miner to the Engineer.
  • Fight through hordes of different enemies and bosses, randomly chosen by the game with random abilities and powers.
  • Get lost and discover 10 massive levels with different enemies, shrines, and chests on each one!
  • Recruit the help of a wide variety of drones, from missile drones to healing drones!
  • Unlock the lore of the game through the item and monster logs!
  • Unlock new items and characters through difficult achievements to keep the game fresh with each playthrough.
  • Save your best highscores and stats!

Release Name: Risk.of.Rain-RAiN
Size: 22.06 MB
Links: Homepage

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