
Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign LINUX-ALiAS

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开发商11 Bit Studios在GDC 2011公开科幻 塔防 新作《Anomaly :Warzone Earth》,游戏将透过Steam来贩售PC版,并且会在iPhone和iPad上售出。

为一款 塔防 类型的游戏,但玩家担任的是攻击方。 玩家将操控一部装甲车,渗透并破坏占领地球的邪恶外星人势力。

游戏背景设定在不久的将来,充满敌意的外星人来到了地球,并且占领了巴格达与东京。 邪恶的生物在城市间建立各种威胁人类生命的炮塔和武器,玩家必须指挥一个小队进行消灭外星人的任务。

融合了回合制与即时战略两大特色。 当你启动地图模式,你可以策划小队前进各城市的路线。 一旦你选择了路线,游戏将进入即时模式,你将可以操控指挥官协助AI 的坦克与载具,进行空中轰炸、维修、引诱或是投入烟雾等动作。 游戏内还加入了买卖功能,在战斗中获取金钱后,可以对自己的小队提升装备。 另外每种装甲车都有不同的特性,例如重装甲履带车可以抵挡大量的攻击,但是移动速度将会相对的降低;而敌人的单位也有不同的特色,玩家必须了解其中的差异来进行有效的攻击。

 ALiAS has released “Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign” for Linux.

Description: Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign continues Steam’s Anomaly Warzone Earth in extra 15-level campaign. Originally released on mobile devices, the campaign is brought to Steam for PC, Mac and Linux exclusively in Anomaly Bundle.

AWE Mobile Campaign turns tower defense on its head. This time you take control of the attacking force, pitting your heavily armored squad against the destructive towers of an alien horde. Carefully lead your squad through the invaders’ defenses, shattering their towers and turrets with special weapons and power-ups in this experience of tower offense.


  • Enjoy innovative game play – mixing action and strategy in a reversed tower defence formula – you’re the attacking side!
  • Play the commander whose special abilities and quick thinking are crucial to support the squad in its quest for victory.
  • Think tactically and strategically, choosing the right squad and the best route for the mission.
  • Extend tactical possibilities by gathering resources to buy new units and upgrade your squad during a battle.
  • Play for hours on end in the engaging story campaign, as well as the two exciting Squad Assault Modes.
  • Immerse yourself in the game with great visuals and atmospheric audio.
  • Supports PC touch screens compatible with Windows 7! Tap the screen and enjoy full tactical experience.

Release Name: Anomaly.Warzone.Earth.Mobile.Campaign.LINUX-ALiAS
Size: 253.09 MB

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