
Aquapazza Aquaplus Dream Match PS3-ACCiDENT

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  AQUAPLUS旗下人气角色齐齐登场的PS3 2D格斗游戏《AQUAPAZZA-AQUAPLUS DREAM MATCH-》将于6月28日迎来发售,而此次的主题歌CD可谓是先行为其预热。游戏的两首主题歌不出意外地由Suara和津田朱里担当,后者更是还为单曲第四轨《守りたい笑顔》作了词,这两位已然和AQUAPLUS结下了不解之缘。OP《Future World》鼓点动感而短促有力,仿佛营造出了一种大战前的紧张和喧嚣,诸位美少女踏上格斗场的英姿你能想象吗?ED《Thanks a lot》曲风轻盈,一词一顿显得很有节奏感,在“Smiles a lot”和“My Best Friend”的结语下,就如同给整个游戏画上了一个圆满的句号。

 ACCiDENT released Aquapazza Aquaplus Dream Match for PS3.

Description: Be prepared to fight to the last breath with unforgiving, non-stop combat, which features stunning combos, vicious chain attacks, and devastating partner matchups that can change the outcome of a fight.


  • Eclectic cast of characters: The combatants in AquaPazza are a diverse bunch – from the studious bookworm Manaka who, no kidding, attacks with a bookshelf to the lance-wielding, shield carrying Sasara
  • Partner system: Players select from one of the thirteen partners to accompany them; Players get rewarded for aggressive play styles and the partners add an additional skill element to help break defensive play
  • Tournament-level competition: Developed by Examu and Aqua plus, AquaPazza has a strong backbone of fighting game mechanics with twitch response times and huge combos
  • Variety of gameplay modes: Each character has a storyline of their own, which unlocks the “another story” mode and an alternate ending; There’s also a time-attack mode, training mode and a gallery mode
  • Online play: Take to the internet to challenge players in ranked, unranked and friends-only matches

Developer: EXAMU, Aquaplus
Publisher: Atlus
Genre: Fighting
Release name: Aquapazza_Aquaplus_Dream_Match_PS3-ACCiDENT
Size: 4.83GB

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