
Now Playing Plugin for Winamp

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Now Playing Plugin for Winamp/Windows Media Player
now playing是一款#nowplaying音乐分享推发布工具,软件十分小巧简单,可以自动获取系统自带音乐软件正在播放的曲目以及歌手信息,自动添加#nowplaying标签自然是必须的,还可以选择是否添加last fm的音乐链接;软件同时支持在线下载相关的专辑封面,前提当然是需要歌曲的tag信息完整。

Now Playing Plugin for Winamp | 2.3 Mb

The Now Playing plugin allows you to easily publishing what you are listening to! The end result is something that could look like this on your web site!

The Now Playing plugin monitors the song you are listening to and publishes the data in various ways:
– Creates a XML file with information on that song. A file called now_playing.xml is created in your Now Playing plugin directory.
– The plugin also offers you the ability to FTP/SFTP that file to a server of your choosing after its updated.
– Create a ping with the song information.
– Post information on Twitter.

The idea is that you publish the XML up to your web server and then through some scripting magic, you can display your currently playing song or your recently played tracks. To make your web site more interactive, the plugin also retrieves the following information for you to use:

– URL of the album image cover art from Amazon.com (if found).
– Link to the Amazon.com product page for the CD (if found).
– Link to the Apple iTunes Music Store product page with the song
highlighted within iTunes (if found).

Home Page – http://www.winamp.com/plugin/now-playing/138883

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