
Dont Starve Cracked Build 2013.11.15-3DM

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  《闪克》制作组Klei发售的游戏《饥荒》(Don’t Starve)是一款动作冒险类求生游戏。

 3DM has released the newest build of “Dont Starve” for PC. It is a open world survival video game developed and published by Klei Entertainment.

Description: Don’t Starve is an uncompromising wilderness survival game full of science and magic. You play as Wilson, an intrepid Gentleman Scientist who has been trapped by a demon and transported to a mysterious wilderness world. Wilson must learn to exploit his environment and its inhabitants if he ever hopes to escape and find his way back home.


  • No instructions. No help. No hand holding. Start with nothing and craft, hunt, research, farm and fight to survive.
  • Join an active community that is helping to shape the game for release! Provide feedback and joint discussions with the community and developers.
  • 2D characters and odd creatures inhabiting a unique 3D world.
  • Want a new map? No problem! At any time you can generate a new living and breathing world that hates you and wants you to die.

Release Name: Dont.Starve.Cracked.Build.2013.11.15-3DM
Size: 146 MB
Links: Homepage

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