TransMagic 领先的高品质,三维CAD数据转换,修复和验证软件开发商,宣布了最新新R10系列产品发布。 万众瞩目的版本包括新的特性,功能和产品,量身定制,以提高流程效率,涉及复杂的CAD模型。
TransMAGiC 提供一系列完整的三维CAD转换软件转换功能,以及文件修复,查看,协作与高速,无人值守批量处理。
使用 TransMAGiC 产品的公司主要分布在汽车、航空航天以及工具/模具制造行业,比如戴姆勒-克莱斯勒公司,彼得比尔特公司,松下电器,霍尼韦尔公司,丰田,萨博,斯巴鲁,卡特彼勒,以及诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司等等。
TransMAGiC 提供独特的多格式转换软件产品,使得模型能够在三维 CAD/CAM/CAE 系统之间快速转换。支持的三维 CAD 模型文件类型和生成软件有,CATIA V4, CATIA V5, Unigraphics, Pro/ENGINEER, Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD (via *.sat), SolidWorks, ACIS, Parasolid, JT, STL, STEP ,IGES。
- New format version support
- Upgraded to CATIA V5 R23
- Upgraded to ACIS R23
- Upgraded to Creo 2.0
- Upgraded to Parasolid 25.0
- Upgraded to JT 9.5
- Upgraded to Inventor 2013
- Upgraded to SolidWorks 2013
- NEW – Upgraded to DWG 2013
- New Supported Formats:
- DWG Read and Write, up to version 2013, has been added to EXPERT, PRO and EXPRESS.
- Added CATIA V6 “file-based” support. The native CATIA V6 model formats are CATPart and CATProduct files when data is transferred outside of an Ennovia V6 database environment. TransMagic supports these file-based formats for V6.
- New image output formats: PNG, JPG & BMP
TransMagic Expert R10 version 10.01 | 308.3 mb
TransMagic Inc., leading developer of high quality, 3D CAD data conversion, repair and validation software, announced the release of the new R10 product line. The highly anticipated release includes new features, functionality and products, tailored to improve process efficiency involving complex CAD models.
TransMagic EXPRESS – A streamlined interface that anyone can use. An efficient CAD translator with automated surface stitching and geometry repair. For maximum bi-directional exchange of 3D CAD data utilizing TransMagic’s entire suite of sophisticated translation, visualization and geometry repair tools – TransMagic EXPERT software provides the highest level capabilities to address the complex issues of 3D data-exchange between multiple engineering applications.
TransMagic R10 Release Notes: this
About TransMagic, Inc.
Serving the CAD/CAM/CAE industry for over 11 years, TransMagic, Inc. develops cutting edge, intuitive and highly efficient 3D software. Seamlessly translate, repair and validate native 3D models in multi-CAD environments. Scalable solutions range from desktop applications to enterprise systems with PLM integration. TransMagic supports all major CAD systems and is compatible with most applications for analysis, manufacturing, simulation, visualization and more. TransMagic’s customers include ABB, Boeing, Chrysler, Caterpillar, Honda, Lockheed Martin, Sony, GE, Siemens, NASA, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, SEMA and many more.
Name: TransMagic
Version: Expert R10 version 10.01
Home: www.transmagic.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Size: 308.3 mb
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