本教程是由Dixxl Tuxxs机构出品的Dixxl Tuxxs Creating a Site Analysis in Revit 2014教程,Revit 2014场馆创建分析教程,时长:1小时4分,大小:556 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,作者:Pierre Derenoncourt,共11个章节,教程释放时间:2013年11月,语言:英语。
教程使用软件:Revit 2014
在本系列教程中,您将学习如何用所有的元素,你将使用Revit 2014创建一个强大的和专业的场馆分析。
Dixxl Tuxxs – Creating a Site Analysis in Revit 2014 With Pierre Derenoncourt
In this series of tutorials, you’ll learn how to put together all the elements you’ll need to create a powerful and professional site analysis using Revit 2014.
We’ll begin by inserting a satellite image of a proposed building site located in a dense downtown setting where you’ll see how to quickly scale your image using real world data. From there we’ll create the site’s infrastructure by placing streets, bridges and blocks that will really bring the site to life. Once we’ve completed our model, we’ll then analyze the site even further by conducting a solar study to study the sun’s path and its effect on our site. Finally, we’ll be able to experience the scale of our site by creating a basic walkthrough of downtown.
Once you’ve become comfortable with the concepts and techniques in this course, you’ll be able to put together a high-quality site analysis presentation of your own with no problem.
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