
Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5.38350 Workstation / Server with Universal Restore

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Acronis 是针对实体、虚拟及云端环境提供容易使用的备份、复原及安全性解决方案的领导厂商。其磁盘映像专利技术使大企业、中小企业以及一般消费者能够对自己的数字资产加以保护。有了 Acronis 的灾难复原、部署及移转软件,用户便可保护其数字信息、保持永续营运能力,以及缩短停机时间。Acronis 软件销售通路遍及 90 多个国家,具有 14 种语言版本。

我们所有的动力都在于为中小企业的需求尽一份力。我们所开发的解决方案价格适中、灵活度高,且具有预见性。不同于其他大品牌竞争对手,我们所有的努力与投资都是针对灾难还原与数据保护。为您服务是我们存在的意义。当灾难发生时,您信赖的 Acronis® 能够迅速且可靠地将您的服务器、工作站或手提电脑还原至相同硬件、异质硬件,甚至虚拟机 (VM) 上。感谢您使用我们的专利磁盘映像与裸机还原等创新工具与技术,您可以拥有一套整合磁盘映像、档案与VM备份还原,以及如 Microsoft®Exchange ServereMicrosoft SQL Server™  等应用的单一解决方案。

不论您需要的是价格合适、适用于本地服务器或工作站的独立解决方案,或是能够进行中央控管的进阶功能,Acronis®Backup & Recovery™ 11都是您正确的选择。同时,我们提供无可挑剔的支持,协助您在不徒增费用或复杂度的状况下,顺利从实体转入虚拟甚至云端环境。

Acronis backup&recovery 11


选择 Acronis™ Backup & Recovery™ 11 独立版本协助您对付备份还原需求。使用Acronis易用的专利磁盘映像技术,服务器及工作站都能在数分钟内还原,无须耗费数小时甚至数日即可确保业务持续性。保护公司免受OS、应用程序及档案不受日常档案遗失甚至因自然灾害、人为错误或偷窃等情况所造成的全系统崩溃的伤害。
如果您需要在一个或多个位置管理多个服务器、工作站或VM; 或者如果您想搜索档案、文件夹或单一数据库项目如邮件或电子邮件信箱,Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Advanced高级版本是您最好的选择。有了中央管理服务器,您将能够简化并控制数千台机器的备份与还原作业。
您可以选择适用于 Microsoft Exchange Server* 和 SQL Server* 的 Acronis Backup & Recovery 11特殊版本来加强您使用 Microsoft Exchange ServerאMicro-soft SQL Server 的能力。除了能够搜索 或还原邮件档案,您还能够在遭遇遗失或错误事件时还原整个 Exchange数据库。当灾难发生时,若有需要您可以将整个Exchange Server执行裸机还原至不同硬
件。   * 将随未来更新版本发行
使用 Acronis,虚拟化全不费工夫。在一台实体主机上放置任何您所需要的数量的VM,仅需配套单一平价授权一套即可。    Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 Virtual Edition 支持无限量转移。您可将代理程序放在VM中然后以您管理实体机器同样方式去管理代理。您也可在 VMware®vSphere®或 Microsoft Hyper-V®使用单一以主机为基础的代理程序统一管理主机上
的所有 VM,以简化管理并降低您的日常运作费用!

云端对您来说有什么样的优势? Acronis能帮助您备份您的数据到在线储存设备,协助您踏上进入云端的第一步。而将您对于云端的信心越来越强的时候,就可渐渐增加您对于云端的运用。 Acronis为您所使用的各种异构环境提供相同的使用接口,让使用尽量最简化。

 Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5.38350 Workstation / Server with Universal Restore | 963.2 MB

Protecting your data and maximizing uptime in your business requires a solution that delivers speed, reliability, simplicity and cost savings. Whatever the size of your business, Acronis® Backup & Recovery™ 11 gives you the competitive edge you need to protect your data and systems wherever they’re located. Our solutions address disaster recovery and data protection needs across physical, virtual and cloud environments.

Whether you need a simple and lightweight solution for local servers or workstations, or advanced capabilities with centralized management across your organization, Acronis Backup & Recovery 11 solutions offer you a perfect fit.

Key Features

Full system recovery
Best-of-breed disk imaging and bare-metal restore technologies allow you to recover your entire system quickly without having to reinstall the operating system and applications.

Integrated data protection
Integrated data protection gives you a data-centric view for granular access to specific data within backups. As a result, you get the benefits of data and system bare-metal recovery in one product with a single-pass backup.

Acronis offers you integrated support for applications such as Microsoft® Exchange Server or Microsoft® SQL Server®. Thanks to deep catalog capabilities, easily browse, search and restore different versions of individual files or emails even from image backups – across all locations, whether local, remote or tape.

Virtual environment support
High-speed, simultaneous, agent-less image-based backups and recoveries for virtual machines are managed from the same console and with the same instruments as physical machines. One Virtual Edition license gives you backup and recovery of an unlimited number of virtual machines on a host, plus V2P and P2V migrations.

Backup and recovery to cloud storage
With Acronis® Backup & Recovery™ Online, ensure your business total protection from theft and natural disaster without a need to buy expensive hardware. It’s fully integrated, works together and is managed from the same console as Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.

One unified solution
All in one powerful solution you can benefit from image-based system recovery for physical and virtual environments, backup for files and applications, search and catalog, as well as disk, tape and cloud- storage options.

What’s more, Acronis solutions support workstations and servers, Windows® or Linux, physical and virtual machines running on VMware® vSphere/ESX/ESXi, Microsoft® Hyper-V™, Citrix® XenServer®, Red Hat® Enterprise Virtualization as well as Parallels® Server 4 Bare Metal.


Improve your RTO (Recovery Time Objective)
Downtime is costly. You can’t afford to lose days or even hours to get back up and running. With Acronis you won’t have to. Thanks to our patented disk imaging technology, you can recover a single file or an entire system within just minutes – and without having to reinstall your operating system or applications. You can also recover to a different type of hardware with the Acronis® Universal Restore™ option. And if you need to find just one file or email, no problem! You can retrieve it quickly wherever it’s located.

Benefit from a proven solution
Since creating our patented disk imaging and bare-metal restore technologies in 2002, we’ve been constantly developing them, and winning multiple industry awards in the process! Today, some 175,000 corporate customers worldwide trust our solutions to protect their data and keep their systems running.

Improve reliability with off-site storage
What if a disaster affects your entire site? For a greater level of reassurance, replicate your backups automatically to an offsite location. Acronis® Backup & Recovery™ Online provides you with an affordable and fully secure off-site data center.

Simplify all your backup and recovery operations
Easy to install, use and manage, Acronis® Backup & Recovery™ 11 offers you one solution with a single user-friendly interface. You can automate backup plans with ease. When disaster strikes, you won’t have to panic, because you can follow a guided disaster-recovery plan to recover your data quickly and easily. With Acronis, enterprise-class features are available and affordable even to small businesses.

Save costs by getting much more in one
Now you get Disaster Recovery and Data Protection both in a single solution. There’s no need to burden your budget with various vendors and licenses or multiple maintenance contracts. What’s special about Acronis® Backup & Recovery™ is that it’s built on a unified platform through which all features, applications and modules share a common code. As a result, you get disaster recovery and data protection across physical, virtual and cloud environments as well as diverse hardware and operating systems – all in one unified solution.

Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5.38350 Workstation / Server with Universal Restore

OS : Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8 (x86/x64)
Language : English

Home Page – http://www.acronis.com/

Acronis Backup & Recovery 11.5.38350 Workstation / Server with Universal Restore

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