
iWork 2016: Pages 6.0.5 / Keynote 7.0.5 / Numbers 4.0.5 MacOSX

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iWork 2016: Pages 6.0 / Keynote 7.0 / Numbers 4.0 MacOSX


文档、电子表格、演示文稿, 无不集思广益。

 Pages、Numbers 和 Keynote 是创建精彩作品的理想工具。现在,利用即将随新版本推出的全新协作功能,你的团队成员可通过 Mac、iPad 或者 iPhone 实时协作,共同编辑文档、电子表格或演示文稿,而 PC 用户也能通过 iCloud 版 iWork 一起参与。



Pages 让你轻而易举就可创建赏心悦目的文档。挑选一个亮眼的模板,然后使用强大的工具添加图片、影片、形状或图表。制作令人心旷神怡的读物,从未如此轻松。



电子表格不一定非要看起来像个乏味的账本。因此,Numbers 用空白画布代替无数的条条框框,让你从一开始,就可轻松添加引人注目的图表、表格和图像,把你的数据生动形象地呈现在眼前。



使用 Keynote,轻轻松松便可制作和演示令人惊艳的幻灯片。构思一场心中理想的提案,然后借助强大的图形工具,轻松添加影院级的过渡效果,从而设计出精美的幻灯片,把你的创意活灵活现地展示出来。

iWork 2016: Pages 6.x / Keynote 7.x / Numbers 4.x Multilingual MacOSX | 842.56 MB

Documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. With everybody’s best thinking. Pages, Numbers, and Keynote are the best ways to create amazing work. And now with the beta release of new collaboration features, your team can edit a document, spreadsheet, or presentation together in real time on a Mac, iPad, or iPhone — even on a PC using iWork for iCloud.

Pages – Amazing. In so many words.
Pages lets you effortlessly create sensational-looking documents. Choose a gorgeous template, then use the powerful tools to add a picture, movie, shape, or chart. It’s never been easier to create a beautiful read.

Numbers – Spreadsheets that are bottom‑line brilliant.
A spreadsheet doesn’t have to look like a ledger. That’s why Numbers starts you off with a blank canvas instead of an endless grid. It’s easy to add dramatic charts, tables, and images that paint a revealing picture of your data.

Keynote – Presentation perfect.
With Keynote, it’s easy to create and deliver stunning slideshows. Just picture the presentation you want to give. Powerful graphics tools let you design beautiful slides with spectacular cinematic transitions that bring your ideas to life.

Home Pagehttp://www.apple.com/iwork/

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