
Runtime NAS Data Recovery 2.42

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Runtime NAS Data Recovery 2.13

NAS Data Recovery可以在几分钟之内复原你破碎的NAS的全部内容。使你能够将数据复制到另一个磁盘的文件和活页夹上。

NAS Data Recovery适用于所有的XFS或EXT2FS格式的单驱动器,像是由Buffalo, Iomega, Seagate, Western Digital, or DLink等制造商所配置的RAID-0或RAID-5 NAS。查找的NAS的RAID参数,如启动扇区,条带大小,旋转,和驱动器的顺序自动等。易于使用的向导,不需要用户自行输入,完全自动化的复原程序。

NAS Data Recovery运行之前,你需要从NAS移除驱动器,并将其附加到您本地的计算机。确保驱动器都能被Windows所识别。如果您正在尝试复原RAID- 5,它是可以附加一个驱动器需比在该NAS驱动器的总数少即可。 驱动器内的影像NAS Data Recovery也可以复原。

安装NAS Data Recovery到您的计算机及启动程序。在Vista或Windows 7,你需要右键单击点击程序图标,并选择“以管理员身份运行”。


Runtime NAS Data Recovery 2.x | 1.7 MB

NAS Data Recovery recovers the entire content of your broken NAS within minutes. You will be able to copy the files and folders over to another disk. NAS Data Recovery works for all XFS- or EXT2FS-formatted single-drive, RAID-0, RAID-1, or RAID-5 NAS stations from manufacturers such as Buffalo, Seagate, Western Digital, DLink, or Iomega. NAS Data Recovery is easy to use. It automatically finds all parameters needed for the recovery, such as RAID start sector, stripe size, rotation, and drive order. Everybody is now able to recover his own NAS. No data recovery background required.

Product Highlights

Recover XFS- or EXT2FS-formatted NAS devices, such as Buffalo, Seagate, Western Digital, DLink, or Iomega, within minutes
Supports single-drive, RAID-0, RAID-1, RAID-5 configuration
No other software needed
Finds NAS RAID parameters, such as start sector, stripe size, rotation, and drive order automatically
Easy to use wizard, no user input required, fully automated recovery
Run from the Runtime Live CD or a WinPE boot CD-ROM

Network Attached Storage (NAS) Recovery Software

Remove the drives from your NAS station and attach them locally to your machine. Make sure the drives are all recognized by Windows Disk Management. If you are trying to recover a RAID-5, it is Ok to attach one drive less than the total number of drives in that NAS. NAS Data Recovery also works with images of your drives.

Install NAS Data Recovery to your computer and start the program. In Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 you need to right-click the program icon and select “Run as Administrator”.

A wizard will guide you through the recovery. A couple of minutes later, an Explorer-like window will show all recoverable files and folders. Now you can copy your files over to another disk. You can also view many file types before copying them, e.g. pictures, documents, etc.

OS : Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, Windows 7, or Windows 8
Language : English

Home Page – http://www.runtime.org

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