Xscan Mac版是一款很好用的Mac OS系统扫描工具,采用多线程方式对指定IP地址段(或单机)进行安全漏洞检测,支持插件功能,提供了图形界面和命令行两种操作方式。 您想知道自己的电脑存在什么漏洞吗?您希望知道骇客是怎么入侵网络的吗?现在就下载 X-Scan,她能教你最大程度地保护自己。支持查看基本软硬件信息、处理器信息、硬盘信息、网络信息等. 是您了解您电脑运转情况的帮手。
xScan – utility for monitoring CPU, memory, disk, and network adapters. Also, the program displays detailed information about running processes and allows to stop their work.
Completely rewritten, xScan 4 is featuring a modern user interface where you can drag and drop the widgets of your choice on a main window. For each widget, you can setup amazing display options. Thus, you can configure the display differently for each computer according to the specific needs of each machine. xScan alerts you in real time about major problems ith the hardware or with the hard drives connected to your Mac. It also give you information about some general issues of the operating system or with some processes.
List of available widgets and options:
– Computer (model, screen size, graphic card, VRAM, last boot, serial number, startup disk)
– Processor (gauge, graph, value – all processors, just one)
– Memory (gauge, graph, value – free, active, used, apps, all values)
– Network (graph, value – average, all interfaces, just one)
– Disk (pie chart, gauge, value – you can select the disk)
– Processes (top one, top 5, top 10 – real time or average)
– Temperature (gauge, graph, value – celcius, fahrenheit)
– IP address (choice of the interface or router)
– Fans (gauge, graph, value)
– Battery (pie chart, gauge, value – time until full, time left)
– Web server (Apache, MYSQL, PHP – versions detected)
– System (version, name)
List of available OS X notifications: (works even when the application is not open)
– Hardware issues on the motherboard (detected by sensors)
– Problems related to the processor (temperature)
– Fans issues (related to the speed)
– Disk issues (S.M.A.R.T status)
– Main disk capacity (checks if there is enough space)
– Blocked processes (using too much CPU level)
– Hacker attacks (computer takeover attempts)
– MySQL health (database issues)
Requirements: OS X 10.9 or later
Language: Multilingual
HomePage – http://www.xscanmac.com/en/index.html
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