
Tropico 3 Gold Edition-PROPHET

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《海岛大亨3》(Tropico 3)为《海岛大亨》系列作品,玩家要扮演南方热带岛屿的君主,借助政治经济手段来繁荣岛屿的街道,玩家可以决定以慷慨的政治家角色来领导人民、迈向繁荣,或是动用军队、确保权力稳固,但也有可能成为肆无忌惮的暴君。 此次《海岛大亨3》(Tropico 3)打造全3D画面,并加入许多新的特色,像玩家可以在自己经营的街道上走动、进行演说,来争取民众的支持,或者是可以建立秘密警察部队或是开发石油等。

Vote El Presidente… or else! You decide whether you want to use your army to secure your power base in the best traditions of corrupt, unscrupulous tyrants everywhere or lead your people to prosperity in your role as generous elder statesman.

Don’t forget to keep a sharp eye on the dangers and side-effects of your absolute power! Obstacles lurk on around every corner, whether it’s militant revolutionaries bent on installing a communist junta, or the machinations of the superpowers USA and the Soviet Union, both of whom would like to see a more amenable ruler in strategically important Tropico! It’s good to be El Presidente. As your “election” campaign said, “Vote El Presidente. Vote often!”

Publisher: Kalypso Media Digital
Developer: Haemimont Games
Genre: Simulation, Strategy
Languages: EN/FR/DE/IT/ES/PL

Release name: Tropico.3.Gold.Edition-PROPHET
Size : 3.55GB
Links: SteamNFO

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