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《失落的斯菲尔(Lost Sphear)》是由Tokyo RPG Factory制作,Square Enix发行的一款日式RPG游戏,游戏背景设定在一个遥远的小镇中,那里有一个小男孩Kanata,从噩梦中醒来后发现他的家乡消失了。为了阻止世界永远消失,Kanata和他的小伙伴们决定出发,凭借记忆的力量,将思想化为物质,重建周围的世界。

Description: The next evolution in this new golden age of JRPG’s arrives with LOST SPHEAR, bringing a fresh take on classic RPG gameplay!

A young man, who suffered a phenomenon that he had never seen, faces an ominous power that threatens the fabric of reality. Awaken the power of Memory to restore what was lost! Muster different Memory and craft the world around you in a journey to save the world.

Features :

  • Unique and powerfully unforgettable storyline with seamless gameplay
  • Enhanced Battle System with new ATB 2.0 offering more freedom in combat
  • Vulcosuits Armour – equip your characters to gain enhanced abilities in battle or on the field
  • Moonlight Battleground mode – Exciting colosseum to fight previously fought and new bosses

Genre: RPG
Developer: Tokyo RPG Factory
Publisher: Square Enix

Size: 4.7 GB

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