
Photo Compiler 2018.4

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Photo Compiler是由DecSoft公司独立研发的一款功能强大且齐全的照片编译器。它允许使用您的照片和图像创建吸引人的,实践和有用的画廊,然后将其转换为可执行程序,随时可以查看而无需依赖。可以添加切换效果,并将它们保持可见的时间,为用户提供超过170种过滤特效,实现无缝衔接.

File Size: 16.5 MB

If you want to create impressive photo galleries as standalone executables for Microsoft Windows you’re in the right place! Photo Compiler allows to create attractives, practices and useful galleries with your photos and images and then convert it into executable programs ready to be viewed without any dependency.

It’s secure
Your photo galleries (with any number of photos) are compiled into standalone Microsoft Windows executables without dependencies. Your photos are never extracted into the user’s computer.

You can customize lots of options on every photo: the time in wich they remain visible, a different background image for every photo, more than 170 transition effects, and much more!

Easy to use
Simply add photos into your gallery and select one or more of them to start to customize their visibility time, the transition effect to be used, the effect’s duration, etc. Then you are ready to compile your project!

Photo compiler is really customizable and include dozens of themes for both their user graphic interface and the applications that you can create for Microsoft Windows.

Take a look!
In the next video you see a working Photo Compiler! In just a minute you can see how a gallery is prepared and how it is converted into a Microsoft Windows standalone executable.

What’s new:
This is a major release of this product.


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