
FontXChange 5.1.0

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FontXChange 5.1.0
FontXChange Mac版是一款字体转换工具,FontXChange Mac版可以帮助我们将自己转换成OpenType (PS), PostScript Type 1以及 TrueType格式的字体,方便字体同时在Mac以及Windows的平台上进行使用。

File Size: 26.5 MB

FontXChange converts fonts between common font formats, including OpenType (PS), Web Fonts (WOFF), PostScript Type 1, and TrueType for both Macintosh and Windows.

Convert Windows & Macintosh fonts
• Convert TrueType to PostScript
• Convert to Web Fonts

“…you can’t go wrong with FontXChange. Its support for OpenType, Mac and Windows PostScript and TrueType, and Web Fonts is a huge help for Web and print designers and publishers”- MacWorld Magazine

FontXChange is designed to understand many different font formats and can convert fonts into many different formats.
This makes FontXChange useful to:
• Convert PostScript Type 1 fonts (Macintosh or Windows format) into a single modern OpenType font file that works on both Macintosh & Windows. End the headaches of the outdated two-file system of screen font and printer font combinations. Just one font file that works.
• Convert TrueType fonts to PostScript fonts. No more printing problems and incompatibilities associated with TrueType fonts and high-end output devices.
• Convert Windows fonts to Macintosh and vice-versa. Easily share fonts across different computers, even different operating systems.
• Convert to web fonts that can be used on web pages


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