
Siemens FiberSIM 16.1.3 Catia/Creo/NX Win64

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Siemens FiberSIM 16.1.3

Fibersim 概述


关于 Fibersim

定义复合零件需要工程师将聪明才智运用于曲面、层片边界和插入式边界几何体设计中。 复合材料设计需要用到大量数据,常被称为不可分割的层片装配。 其中每一个层片都可包含多达 150 个必须关联至几何体的属性。 Fibersim 使用更高级别的复合材料对象关联、可配置的复合材料数据库和经过业界检验的生产能力仿真功能,确保相应属性能始终如一地将工程师的灵感转为实际设计。

Fibersim 软件产品组合支持工程复合材料所需的高度复杂且注重细节的端到端设计和制造流程。 航空航天、汽车、船舶和风能行业的领军企业认识到复合材料将在未来的创新型轻型耐用产品的开发中发挥重要作用,此外了解单个复合零件所需的数据也很重要。 Fibersim 集成在包括 NX™ 软件、CATIA® V5 软件和 PTC Creo® 软件在内的领先型商用三维 CAD 系统中,可以实现无缝协同,是唯一一款能满足从概念、层合定义、层片生成到仿真、记录与制造的整个复合材料工程流程要求的综合软件。


Fibersim 支持复合零件开发过程中的每一个环节,包括:

  • 帮助工程师指定复合材料以及为作业选择最佳的层片创建方法(不论是基于层片、基于区域还是基于结构的设计)
  • 通过定义采用顺序剖面、降斜剖面和交错剖面(这些剖面可自动填充 CAD 模型)的过渡来自动创建层片几何图形,而摒弃了手动为每个层片创建 CAD 曲线这一枯燥无味的过程
  • 生成可变偏置曲面和实体,包括用来进行干涉检查的样机曲面、供联合在一起的零件使用的配合曲面以及用于制造环节的工装曲面
  • 通过自动生成工程文档和/或 Microsoft Excel 表格来验证和传达设计要求
  • 根据材料和制造流程来对零件的生产能力进行仿真,从而及早提供反馈并提升开发过程的效率
  • 定义制造边界和细节(如接头、三角形加强筋和条带走道),以降低成本并加快零件交付速度。
  • 自动创建制造文档来指导工厂的车间加工,从而确保铺层和产品质量的一致性。
  • 自动生成制造数据(例如用来驱动自动化切割机、激光投影系统、纤维布设机及铺带机的展平图和数据)并与下游环节以及在整个企业范围内共享这些数据

Siemens FiberSIM 16.1.3 | 1.5 Gb

Siemens PLM Software has released FiberSIM 16.1.3. The software can be used to design and manufacture composite structures and is suitable for the aerospace, automotive, marine, and wind energy industries.

Siemens FiberSIM is a suite of CAD-integrated software tools designed to reduce the costs associated with thedesign and manufacture of composite parts. Fibersim products work together with CAD systems to allowa single 3D model of a composite part to be used from conceptual design through fabrication.

All composite part information is centralized because it can be stored, manipulated and revised withinone CAD model. Fibersim also simulates the behavior of composite materials, taking into account thedraping characteristics of a given material when determining whether a ply is producible.

By offering simulation techniques that are based on the way composite material actually forms on agiven 3D surface, you can more accurately design composite parts within the CAD system, before anyinformation is transferred to manufacturing.

The product consists of three different packages:

Base – This level allows ply-based modeling only. Users with the Base license will be able to developply-based composite models and open any part that is simplified to Base-level objects.
Pro – (roughly equal to the former “CEE”) – This level allows you to perform layer and ply-basedcomposite modeling. You can work with parts with layers, overlay zones, and ply data. You will beable to open parts with zone data but unable to edit/change any zone objects. Only overlay zonescan be created and edited using a Pro-level license.
Elite – (roughly equal to the former “ACEE”) – This level allows access to all of the supportedcomposite modeling methodologies within Fibersim. You can open and work with models with allzone, layer, overlay zone, and ply data. The Elite level also supports Volume Fill and Wind bladedesign.

Fibersim also contains a suite of optional products, that enhance its capabilities, such as Flat PatternExport, Laser Projection and Fiber Placement Interface. These products work in conjunction withFibersim to ensure a seamless link from the 3D CAD model to the manufacturing floor.

Because all information required for analysis and manufacturing is generated from a single CAD mastermodel, Fibersim ensures that all downstream processes will be driven by data that is complete and up-to-date.

Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Digital Factory Division, is a world-leading provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software, systems and services with headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens PLM Software helps thousands of companies make great products by optimizing their lifecycle processes, from planning and development through manufacturing and support. Our HD-PLM vision is to give everyone involved in making a product the information they need, when they need it, to make the smartest decisions.

Product: Siemens FiberSIM
Version: 16.1.3 *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.plm.automation.siemens.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Software Prerequisites: *
Size: 1.5 Gb

* Software Prerequisites:
CATIA V5 R25-R29 64-bit (to use CATIA V5R26 on Win 10 the minimum requirement is SP2)

Creo Parametric 3.0
Creo Parametric 4.0
Creo Parametric 5.0
Creo Parametric 6.0

NX-10.0.2+ 64-bit (to use NX-10 on Win 10 the minimum requirement is NX-10.0.3)
NX-11.0.1+ 64-bit
NX-12.0.1+ 64-bit (to use NX-12 the minimum supported version is NX-12.0.1)
NX-1847 Series 64-bit (1847-1867)
NX-1872 Series 64-bit (1872-1892)


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