
Altair FluxMotor 2019.1.0

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Altair FluxMotor 2019.0.0

Altair 宣布推出用于旋转电机预设计的专用平台 FluxMotor™。FluxMotor 与低频电磁和热仿真的领先软件 Flux™ 都是 Altair HyperWorks® CAE 套件的一部分。该软件工具可帮助用户利用标准和自定义部件来设计和创建电机模型,以及直观地添加绕组和材料以便进行一系列测试并对比电机性能。
“FluxMotor 是一款易于使用而且高效的预设计工具,适合与电机相关的各个领域的设计者。”SoftBank Robotics 电磁工程师 Grégory Michaud 这样说道。他与开发团队共同参与了新软件的测试阶段。这款软件面向旋转电机设计者和制造商等各类用户,让电机专业人员能够在数分钟内快速定义电机并评估其技术经济潜力。FluxMotor 高效的工作环境可确保更好的电机性能可视化效果,并使得计算快速准确,还能够将计算结果连接到 HyperWorks 套件中的 Flux 有限元软件和其他工具,以进行更多高级研究,包括多物理场优化功能等。FluxMotor 的软件优势包括:
  • 动态库提供多种标准或自定义选项,直接应用于电机建模。
  • 促进项目管理,有助于快速访问过往研究并管理所有产品。
  • 计算方法充分利用有限元建模的强大能力。
  • 自动运行工作流提供了以用户为导向的高效环境,适合不同层级的用户。
FluxMotor 的功能:
  • 该设计环境带有专用接口,有助于电机设计人员在数分钟内快速地为电机设计定型。
  • 4 种不同的绕组模式有助于用户找到合适的绕组结构。
  • 部件库主要用于直观查看和选择部件;提供标准库。
  • 标准部件、磁性元件均可编辑与自定义。
  • 材料数据库全面且可扩展。
  • 自动的标准和相关测试,可随时进行。
  • 电机库便于管理电机和项目,帮助用户对机器进行分类,并可以快速查看过往研究。
    “我们希望开发一款易用而又不失准确性的软件。FluxMotor 有助于将计算时间缩短到极限,而且保持精确的计算结果。”Altair FluxMotor 项目经理 Fabrice Marion 说道。

Altair FluxMotor 2019.x | 1.2 Gb

Altair announces the release of FluxMotor 2019.0.0, a dedicated platform focusing on the pre-design of electric rotating machines. This release includes a variety of bug fixes and technical improvements as well as new features and tools.

About Altair FluxMotor. FluxMotor is part of Altair’s HyperWorks CAE Suite, which includes Flux the leading software for low frequency electromagnetic and thermal simulations. The software tool allows users to design and create machines from standard or customized parts, as well as to intuitively add windings and materials to run a selection of tests and compare machine capacity. Based on modern technology, the standalone platform offers fast and accurate computations. When necessary, connection with Altair Flux finite element software enables more advanced studies, taking into account more complex phenomenon.

About Altair. Altair is a leading provider of enterprise-class engineering software enabling innovation, reduced development times, and lower costs through the entire product lifecycle from concept design to in-service operation. Our simulation-driven approach to innovation is powered by our integrated suite of software which optimizes design performance across multiple disciplines encompassing structures, motion, fluids, thermal management, electromagnetics, system modeling and embedded systems, while also providing data analytics and true-to-life visualization and rendering.

Product: Altair FluxMotor
Version: 2019.x
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.altairhyperworks.com
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even (64bit) or Windows 10 (64bit)
Size: 1.2 Gb

* Review System Requirements:
Memory (RAM): 1 GB if RAM required.
Hard Disk Space: 2 GB of free space required.
Processor: Intel Dual Core processor or later


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