
Starus Partition Recovery 3.4 Multilingual

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Starus Partition Recovery 简体中文注册版是一个分区恢复工具,它可以恢复被损坏、误删除、格式化的分区中丢失的数据,并可以针对分区无法访问的问题进行恢复。该工具使用一个复杂的算法进行分析所选驱动器,搜索曾经存在过的分区,并恢复还没有被改写的任何文件和文件夹。这些文件可能已被格式化,系统故障期间丢失,回收站清理,由于病毒攻击或直接删除文件。

Starus Partition Recovery特色功能:

您如果不小心格式化了硬盘驱动器?删除或修改了其文件系统?打开该分区提示你分区已损坏需要进行格式化吗?习惯性的删除了文件或文件夹?遇到这些问题,先不要急着生气!Starus Partition Recovery可以帮助你快速和容易的恢复损坏的驱动器和文件!

软件支持恢复所有类型的文件,包括图片,文档,音乐,视频,数据库,压缩归档文件,可执行文件和其他文件类型。该产品支持FAT和NTFS文件系统,并与任何版本的Windows兼容,包括Windows 8。除了硬盘,程序还支持任何类型的数据载体(U盘,MP3播放器,闪存卡,内存卡,手机等)。

File Size: 41.1 MB

Starus Partition Recovery is our top of the line product to repair broken partitions and recover missing information. It offers the same step-by-step recovery for lost and deleted files as our simpler products, while adding comprehensive partition recovery options to make a perfect all-in-one solution.

File Recovery: Quick and Comprehensive Modes
Starus Partition Recovery features quick and comprehensive analysis modes, allowing you to set your priorities. Files that were recently deleted from a healthy disk can be recovered by the quick more in just moments, while in comprehensive analysis mode the tool will crunch data collected from your entire hard drive in order to recover everything that still has traces on your disk.

Fix Broken Partitions
Starus Partition Recovery comes with truly innovative and unique algorithms allowing it to repair severely damaged partitions. Most partition recovery tools on the market will analyse existing system structures on the damaged disk, attempting to repair the volumes and often failing if too much damage is done to disk system data. This is a quick but not always reliable way to handle corrupted partitions. Starus Partition Recovery will only follow the easy route if there’s just a light damage to disk system structures.

Rebuilding Corrupted Partitions: the Comprehensive Mode
In addition to the quick-and-easy approach, Starus Partition Recovery can perform a comprehensive refurbishing of your disk system structures, rebuilding them pretty much from scratch.

Complete Partition Refurbishing
If some parts of the file system or other system structures have been erased, overwritten or become otherwise corrupted, Starus Partition Recovery will switch into comprehensive mode, scanning the entire hard drive in order to create an indexed map of everything that still is available on that disk. After locating all files, folders and other bits of data that are still available on the damaged disk, Starus Partition Recovery will create a new file system from scratch, producing a healthy, usable volume listing all files and folders that from the scratch was able to locate.

Easy to Use
With all the advanced features offered by Starus Partition Recovery, the tool comes equipped with an amazing level of automation. You can easily use it at home or in the office with no reading or training. With many guided wizards helping you undeleting your files or recovering partitions you’ll never get lost in its user interface.

Look and Feel of Windows Explorer
Speaking of user interface, Starus Partition Recovery looks and feels just like Windows Explorer. You’ll see the familiar file and folder views; the only thing that’s different is that those files and folders were once deleted.

What’s New:
official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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