Synchro 4D 施工模拟软件 是一款成熟且功能强大的软件,具有更加成熟的施工进度计划管理功能。可以为整个项目的各参与方(包括业主、建筑师、结构师、承包商、分包商、材料供应商等)提供实时共享的工程数据。工程人员可以利用Synchro 4D软件进行施工过程可视化模拟、施工进度计划安排、高级风险管理、设计变更同步、供应链管理以及造价管理。4D工程模拟大部分是针对大型复杂工程建设及其管理开发使用的,Synchro同样提供了整合其他工程数据的能力,提供丰富形象的4D工程模拟。
Español, العربية, Polski, Deutsch, Nederlands, Norsk, 日本語
Synchro Systems, a bussines Bentley Systems, is pleased to announce the availability of SYNCHRO 2021.2 4D Pro CONNECT Edition ( is an advanced software tool to plan, schedule, and manage construction projects in a 4D environment.
SYNCHRO 4D Pro is an advanced software tool to plan, schedule, and manage construction projects in a 4D environment. Scheduling and planning is critical to safe, efficient, high quality construction. While using 4D, the computer becomes a practice field where sequences, safety, special relationships and more can be viewed and discussed continuously before and throughout the project lifetime. Because SYNCHRO Pro links 3D Resources (human, material, equipment, and space) to the associated schedule tasks, making changes and comparing baselines to alternatives is quick and easy.
Testing sequencing and running “What-if” scenarios is highly efficient and engaging. Communications are crystal clear, because you can see each step in the process. Cooperative knowledge sharing creates innovation and unique approaches that build competitive advantage. The result is an efficient, reliable and safe project delivery process that saves time and money. SYNCHRO Pro integrates with Oracle Primavera and other scheduling software but it is a stand-alone CPM scheduling tool and does not depend on importing schedules from legacy software. Whether you like to see the schedule through the model or see the model through the schedule, the ability to visualize your plan while maintaining its integrity allows project delivery performance to consistently and reliably exceed today’s performance standards in an immediate and dramatic way.
Bentley Systems is a software development company that supports the professional needs of those responsible for creating and managing the world’s infrastructure, including roadways, bridges, airports, skyscrapers, industrial and power plants as well as utility networks.
Synchro Software was founded in 2001, with the goal of bringing improvement to the construction industry. It was focused on creating a technology platform to pave the way from lean manufacturing methods to digital planning and production methods.
Bentley acquired Synchro Software in 2018.
Product: SYNCHRO 4D Pro
Version: 2021.2 ( CONNECT Edition *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.bentley.com
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: win
Size: 4.1 Gb
The first tool in the lineup is SYNCHRO 4D Pro (Pro for short). Pro is the main powerhouse for generating 4D models. You would typically start by either creating a construction schedule, within Pro, or importing one from a separate scheduling software. You would then import a 3D model and link the activities in the construction schedule to their corresponding 3D objects in the model.
Pro communicates well with many scheduling and design software on the market. Applications such as Primavera P6, Microsoft Project, Autodesk products, SketchUp, and many others can be imported into Pro easily. Any changes or updates made over time can be reflected in Pro using the synchronization feature built in.
SYNCHRO Scheduler 2021.2 ( CONNECT Edition
4D scheduling combines a 3D model and a project schedule. You can directly link activity bars on a Gantt chart to corresponding elements of a 3D model using SYNCHRO 4D. You can create graphic representations to understand time-based processes, foresee conflicts, and study potential solutions.
SYNCHRO Open Viewer 2021.2 ( CONNECT Edition
SYNCHRO Open Viewer allows you to open 4D project files created by others in SYNCHRO Pro. Inspect the schedule in the Gantt chart and 3D view. Play the construction sequence from beginning to end, play a saved animation, or jump to a particular date and time. As the Focused Time marker moves through the 4D project you’ll be able to see which tasks are active in the Gantt Chart and the related 3D objects highlighted in the 3D window so you know exactly what’s going on when. Zoom in and navigate the model for a 360 view of the project at any stage and anticipate safety hazards in advance. “Practice” the project on your screen before starting work in the field.
SYNCHRO Revit Plugin 2021.2 (
The SYNCHRO Pro Plug-in for Revit exports models directly from Revit to .SPX format for data exchange with SYNCHRO Pro.
SYNCHRO MicroStation Plugin 2021.2 (
The SYNCHRO Pro Plug-in for MicroStation exports models directly from MicroStation to .SPX format for data exchange with SYNCHRO Pro.
SYNCHRO Navisworks Plugin 2021.2 (
The SYNCHRO Pro Plug-in for Navisworks exports models directly from Navisworks to .SPX format for data exchange with SYNCHRO Pro.
SYNCHRO Modeler CONNECT Edition (
SYNCHRO Modeler (Modeler for short) is a tool that converts un-constructible models into constructible components. Modeler can easily slice the geometry of a design model, break the model into realistic quantities, and assign cost codes to those quantities based on individual project conditions. Some practical examples would be for slab breaks, bridge decks, or column splices. Modeler retains the geometric information associated with each quantity after it is split. Data such as the volume, length, or area will automatically be generated as the splits are happening. Once the geometry is split and the cost codes are assigned, quantity take-offs can then be generated, and the information can be exported to an Excel sheet. This method of estimating how much a project will cost is based around the design model and the work performed in Modeler can be sent over to Pro to feed more data into the overall 4D model. The user interface in simple and compliments the overall 4D workflow.
SYNCHRO Link is an API server and Integration API that connects to SYNCHRO Workgroup Project. Applications connect to LINK to get project data and submit changes to a project.
SYNCHRO Server (
Synchro PRO Server allows your entire global delivery team to view and edit projects concurrently—in real time. Users with Synchro PRO, Synchro Scheduler or Synchro Open Viewer can all access a project on Synchro PRO Server. Read/write access to all or part of a project is defined at the user level. When a team member edits a project, the update is immediately visible to everyone with access to that project. Multiple people may work at the same time without a loss of information or performance. There is no limit to the number of concurrent users who may access a project on Synchro PRO Server. Operates on any network.
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