
JetBrains DataGrip 2021.3.2 x64

Windows dsgsd 183浏览 0评论

DataGrip是由jetbrains公司推出的数据库管理软件,DataGrip支持几乎所有主流的关系数据库产品,如DB2、Derby、H2、MySQL、Oracle、PostgreSQL、SQL Server、Sqllite及Sybase等,并且提供了简单易用的界面,开发者上手几乎不会遇到任何困难。目前市场上已经存在很多数据库客户端,如MySQL WorkBench、Toad、NaviCat、phpMyAdmin、Sequel pro、SQLWave等等。

x64 | File Size: 340 MB
DataGrip is the multi-engine database environment. We support MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, SQLite, HyperSQL, Apache Derby and H2. If the DBMS has a JDBC driver you can connect to it via DataGrip. For any of supported engines it provides database introspection and various instruments for creating and modifying objects……….

System requirements:
64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows 10, 8
2 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB RAM recommended
2.5 GB hard disk space, SSD recommended

1024×768 minimum screen resolution

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