
Hetman FAT Recovery v4.2 Multilingual

Windows dsgsd 138浏览 0评论

Hetman FAT Recovery可靠地恢复格式化为FAT, FAT16或FAT32文件系统的存储介质的各种信息。 USB闪存驱动器,所有类型的记忆卡,以及NAS设备和流媒体视频播放器中使用的硬盘。

Languages: Multilingual | File size: 55.3 MB

FAT Disk Recovery SoftwareLooking for a tool to recover an FAT or FATvolume? Formatted the disk or deleted partitions? Boot disk or SSD drive no longer recognized by the system? Hetman NTFS Recovery will recover data even if the disk was repartitioned and formatted afterwards! Hetman NTFS Recovery restores information that goes missing after a storage accident. Formatted and repartitioned hard drives, deleted partitions, inaccessible disks or simply a bunch of deleted files and folders – Hetman NTFS Recovery can recover everything as long as the problem concerns an NTFS volume………..

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