
Nikon Camera Control Pro 2.34.1 x64 Multilingual

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一款尼康相机工具,主要功能:实现对您的摄影的远程控制:通过配合选择机型使用附送的 USB 或 Firewire 电缆和/或另购的 WiFi 适配器,无论拍摄什么,尼康 Camera Control Pro 都能使您的影像达到独特效果。设想一下,在运动会上,您将相机放在远处,就可以将选手在终点线上结束赛跑刹那间的景象定格,或者您选取运动场上的某一独特 角度,那样就能重现得分瞬间。或者在婚礼时,您可以身处众人视线之外,为抵达婚礼现场的宾客抓拍真实的照片。野生动物摄影师和自然景观摄影师们欣喜于他们 可以在鸟巢或断壁附近摆放相机,那样就可以拍摄到千载难逢的照片。产业摄影师可以将相机安全地放置在特定地点,记录下制造过程中的关键环节。

File size: 318 MB

This software remotely controls most functions of Nikon digital SLRs from a computer that is connected via USB cable or through wired or wireless LAN using a wireless transmitter. Advanced functions of the new Nikon D3 and D300 such as Viewer for preview and selection of images prior to transfer to a computer, Liveview function and Picture Control System are supported. It also supports workflows of Nikon’s exclusive photofinishing software Capture NX (optional) and browser and viewer software ViewNX.

Most settings of Nikon digital SLRs, that are connected via USB cable, such as exposure mode, shutter speed and aperture can be controlled remotely from a computer. Wired or wireless LAN is also available when using a wireless transmitter.
In addition to direct transfer of images from a camera to a computer, all procedures from shooting to saving images are smoothly processed.
Enhanced viewer function enables thumbnail display of images stored in a computer.

Compatible with the new functions of the Nikon D3/D300
Images in a camera buffer can be confirmed with thumbnail or preview display on a computer prior to transferring, enabling deletion of unnecessary images. This remarkably increases efficiency.
Supporting the Liveview mode (Hand-held mode and Tripod mode) of the D3 and D300, it permits adjustment of focus point and shutter release while confirming the image on a computer. In Tripod mode, focal-plane contrast AF on a desired point within a specific area is possible.
It also supports Picture Control System of the cameras. Picture Control parameters can be selected and adjusted on a computer, and custom curves (tone compensation data) can be created and registered
51-point AF can be controlled and displayed.
Fine tuning of the new white balance is available.

Integration with other Nikon software
Support for ViewNX browser and viewer software
Support for Capture NX photo-finishing software

Whats New:
Added support for the Z 50



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