
WinTools.net 22.0 Multilingual

Windows dsgsd 163浏览 0评论

WinTools.net 是一系列的系统优化组合软件,可以从系统中移除不需要的软件、清除无用的登录档、控制开机时所要自动开启的程序、记忆体监控、桌面自订功能…等等。

Premium / Professional / Classic | File size: 6.96 MB / 6.96 MB / 6.96 MB

WinTools.net is a suite of tools for Windows operating system optimizing and increasing performance. This suite lets you cleanly remove unwanted software from disk drives and dead references from the Windows registry. WinTools.net Professional puts you in control of the Windows start up process, memory monitoring and gives you the power to customize desktop and system settings to fit your needs. Also it ensures your privacy and keep sensitive information secure, adds more speed and stability for your connection……

System requirements
OS Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/VISTA/XP/2k/2k3/2k8 x86 x64
Minimum screen resolution 1024×768
CPU: Pentium processor and above
RAM: 128 Mb RAM
HDD: 15 Mb free disk space


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