
Tekla Structures 2020 SP11 x64 Multilingual

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Tekla Structures 2020 SP11 (x64) Multilingual

Tekla公司发布最新版的Tekla Structure 2020 SP11钢结构详图设计软件。

使用 Tekla 软件创建的模型具备精确、可靠和详细的信息,这正是成功的建筑信息建模 (BIM) 和施工所需要的东西。利用 Tekla Structures 和可施工模型让贵公司的工作流程更加畅顺。

Tekla 软件可处理所有材料和最复杂的结构——限制由您设定。我们的客户曾将 Tekla Structures 用于体育场、海上结构、厂房和工厂、住宅大楼、桥梁和摩天大楼。


Tekla 员工和代理商致力于协助实施软件。我们贴近客户提供本地支持和培训。


Tekla 软件上手即可使用,但您能够按意愿进行优化。Tekla 采用开放的 BIM 方法,您可以运行其他供应商的解决方案和加工机械,而仍然与 Tekla 软件衔接。通过应用程序接口 Tekla Open API,可以轻松扩展和增强 Tekla Structures。


Tekla Structures 是一个拥有不同配置的软件解决方案,旨在迎合客户的不同需求。

Tekla Structures 设有 30 个本地化环境和 14 种用户界面语言,让全球客户更轻松地使用和实施软件。


  • 通过开放 BIM 方法进行协作和整合。
  • 为所有材料建模。
  • 处理最大、最复杂的结构。
  • 创建易于施工的精确模型。
  • 让信息从设计和美化流向施工现场。

x64 | Languages:Multilingual | File Size: 2.88 GB

Trimble has released an update to Tekla Structures 2020, is much more than design and detailing software: it is the most accurate and comprehensive 3D building information modeling (BIM) tool in the market that streamlines the workflow from sales, bidding, cost estimation and conceptual design to detailing, manufacture and erection. This release arrives with improvements and fixes – be it drawings, collaboration, or modeling complex geometries or reinforcement.

Compatibility This version is not backwards compatible. When you create or save a model in Tekla Structures 2020, you cannot open it in older versions due to database differences.About Tekla Structures 2020 This version includes improvements and fixes for example in drawings, collaboration and modeling complex geometries or reinforcement. As a practical example of what the new version has to offer is modeling structures like spiral shaped stairs, which can become quick and easy with the new Spiral Beam. Working with steel bent plates is now easier, while Precast Concrete Floor and Wall Layout and the flexible, intelligent Tekla method for modeling and modifying reinforcement have been improved. Creating more complete drawings becomes faster, and DWG export functionality is more efficient.

In addition, there are new tools on top of Trimble’s collaboration platform, Trimble Connect, for model and cloud-based supply chain management between Tekla Structures and Trimble Connect.

Tekla Software by Trimble. Trimble produces Tekla software solutions for advanced BIM and structural engineering workflow within the Trimble Buildings portfolio. Trimble’s construction solutions range from total stations to advanced software, giving the industry tools to transform planning, design, construction and operation of buildings. Tekla software is at the heart of the design and construction workflow, building on the free flow of information, truly constructible models and collaboration.

About Trimble Buildings. Trimble Buildings, a part of Trimble’s engineering and construction segment, is focused on solutions that optimize the complete design-build-operate (DBO) lifecycle of buildings. Trimble is dedicated to transforming the industry—increasing productivity, reducing waste and optimizing schedules, budgets and real estate portfolios—with powerful solutions that streamline communication and collaboration. These targeted solutions enable architects, engineers, contractors, owners, and occupiers to realize greater agility, efficiency and insight. Used in over 150 countries around the world, Trimble Buildings’ solutions are transforming the way the world designs, builds and operates infrastructure and buildings.

About Trimble. Trimble is transforming the way the world works by delivering products and services that connect the physical and digital worlds. Core technologies in positioning, modelling, connectivity and data analytics enable customers to improve productivity, quality, safety and sustainability. From purpose built products to enterprise lifecycle solutions, Trimble software, hardware and services are transforming a broad range of industries such as agriculture, construction, geospatial and transportation and logistics.

System REquirements
OS:64-bit Windows 10 / Windows 8.1
Memory:16+ GB
Space:240-480 GB, SSD
CPU:Intel® Core™ i5 CPU 2+ GHz
GPU:Two monitor support e.g. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060/2070
Monitors:Two 27” 1920×1200 each



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