
Blendermarket – FlipFluids 1.6.0

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Blendermarket – FlipFluids 1.6.0

What is the FLIP Fluids addon?

The FLIP Fluids addon is a tool that helps you set up, run, and render liquid simulation effects all within Blender! Our custom built fluid engine is based around the popular FLIP simulation technique that is also found in many other professional liquid simulation tools. The FLIP Fluids engine has been in constant development since 2016 with a large focus on tightly integrating the simulator into Blender as an addon. It just feels like a native Blender tool!

FLIP Fluids Version 1.6.0 adds bug fixes and smaller features, as well as begins an initial test phase for the integration of the preset scenes library into the Blender asset browser.

Whitewater Effects
Create awesome large scale fluid effects with the whitewater simulator. Generate and simulate millions of foam, bubble, and spray particles to give a sense of realism to large bodies of water.
High Viscosity Effects
Use the high accuracy viscosity solver to simulate thin silky-smooth liquids, thick fluids that buckle and coil, and anything in between. You will be able to simulate thicker fluid in Blender than you could ever before!
Surface Tension and Sheeting
Create beautiful small-scale fluid effects with surface tension and add particle sheeting to create large thin splashes. Simulate the natural cohesion of surface molecules that cause fluids to form into beads, drip, and add an elastic look to splashes.

Custom Built Force Fields
We built our own custom force field system designed specifically for popular liquid effects! Volume forces for forming liquid shapes, surface forces for aligning gravity to surface normals or to help liquid stick to surfaces, and curve forces for guiding liquid to flow and spin along a curve.

FLIP and APIC Solvers
Choose between FLIP and an APIC simulation methods! FLIP is turbulent and chaotic – good for large scale splashy simulations. APIC is smooth, stable, and swirly – good for small scale or viscous simulations.



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