
SolidCAM 2021 SP5 HF6 for SolidWorks 2018-2022 x64 Multilanguage

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SolidCAM –SolidWorks黄金认证的CAM软件




SolidCAM软件的革命性的技术iMachining 可以节省70%或更多的数控机床加工时间,同时还可以延长刀具的寿命。iMachining这一技术可以在铣削的时候为您节省难以置信的加工时间和提高加工效率, 并把它转化为 利润和成功. 只要购买了SolidCAM iMachining的全球用户,都已经收到这一技术带来的巨大好处!


  • 提高生产效率,缩短生产周期-最高节约70%加工时间
  • 增加刀具使用寿命-使用时间延长2-3倍
  • 加工高硬度材料
  • 较小刀具的出众加工性能
  • 4轴和车铣复合的iMachining加工
  • 极高的编程效率
  • 极短的学习周期


  • 工作在现有的CAD系统:无缝集成于SOLIDWORKS
  • 与SOLIDWORKS的模型完全相关联:设计发生改变,相应的刀路也会自动更新。
  • 消除导入/导出的挑战:节省大量的时间和错误
  • 让你快速掌握:极短的学习周期,因为你已经熟悉SOLIDWORKS的界面,SolidCAM与SOLIDWORKS的界面相似,并运行在SOLIDWORKS中
  • 获得全部画面:SolidCAM在CAD装配工作模式下以图形方式显示夹具、刀具虎钳的模拟仿真


  • 黄金认证:SolidCAM与SOLIDWORKS是有10多年合作历史的黄金合作伙伴。
  • SolidCAM伴随着你成长:SolidCAM扩展性非常强,并支持全部CNC机床的应用
  • SolidCAM让您用最少的钱办最多的事:无缝集成的CAD/CAM解决方案-SOLIDWORKS+SolidCAM更具有价格优势

x64 | Languages:Multilanguage | File Size: 5.38 GB

SolidCAM is a new generation CAD / CAM system developed by the Israeli company SolidCAM Ltd (Official distributor in Russia – Consistent Software). This system is a complete solution for the automation of metalworking production. Using a wide range of SolidCAM proposed strategies for turning, milling, turning, milling and EDM, the technologist can quickly prepare the necessary set of control programs for machining the product……

SolidCAM 2020 SP3 HF1 Multilang for SolidWorks 2012-2020 x64
Year / Release Date:2021
Version:2021 SP0 build 116353
Developer:SolidCAM Ltd
Interface language:Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish
Tablet:Present (TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ)

System requirements:
OS:Microsoft ® Windows 10 x64 Professional and Enterprise Editions; Microsoft ® Windows 8.1 x64 Professional and Enterprise Editions (with latest Service Pack); Microsoft® Windows 7 x64 Professional and Ultimate Editions (with latest Service Pack)
CPU:Intel® Xeon, Intel® Core, Intel® Core 2 Duo, Intel® Core 2 Quad or higher (If you use other processors we assume no responsibility and no support)
Memory:4 GB RAM (for the processing of large components, we recommend 8 GB RAM (or more)
Space:15 GB free disk space for installation
GPU:NVIDIA® graphics card of the current Quadro series with min. 512 MB ​​(1024 MB recommended) and current, certified graphics driver (With the use of other and on-board graphics cards, we accept no responsibility and no support)
Pre-installed SolidWorks 2012-2021 64bit


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