An inspiring array of software effects that combine music industry heritage with futuristic features, and unparalleled sound quality with intuitive workflow. Enhance your music with the perfect effect for every task.
Bus FORCE v1.3.0
Chorus DIMENSION-D v1.4.0
Chorus JUN-6 v1.4.0
Comp DIODE-609 v1.3.0
Comp FET-76 v1.6.0
Comp TUBE-STA v1.6.0
Comp VCA-65 v1.6.0
Delay ETERNITY v1.6.0
Delay TAPE-201 v1.6.0
Dist COLDFIRE v1.1.0
Dist OPAMP-21 v1.1.0
Dist TUBE-CULTURE v1.1.1
Efx FRAGMENTS v1.2.0
Efx MOTIONS v1.0.0
Efx REFRACT v1.0.0
EQ SITRAL-295 v1.3.0
Filter M12 v1.7.0
Filter MINI v1.7.2
Filter MS-20 v1.1.0
Filter SEM v1.7.0
Flanger BL-20 v1.4.0
Phaser BI-TRON v1.4.0
Pre 1973 v1.7.0
Pre TridA v1.7.0
Pre V76 v1.7.0
Rev INTENSITY v1.5.0
Rev LX-24 v1.1.0
Rev PLATE-140 v1.6.0
Rev SPRING-636 v1.5.0
Rotary CLS-222 v1.0.0
Tape MELLO-Fi v1.3.0