
Ashampoo Snap 365 v16.1.3 Multilingual

Windows dsgsd 39浏览 0评论


有了 Ashampoo Snap 16,截屏或录屏就是小菜一碟!您在屏幕上看到的任何内容,都可以立刻轻松捕捉。然后,您可以使用图形元素、自动编号、注释、形状、剪贴画等编辑和增强您的截图,生动形象、别具风格地讲述您的故事。成品还能轻松即时地分享。无论您是居家办公,是需要快速解释一个程序,还是计划创建一个完整教程,Snap 16 都是您通往成功的快车道!

  • 截图和录制视频的终极工具
  • 多功能捕获工具,用于截取矩形区域、整个网站和滚动页面
  • 更快地分享信息,节省您的时间
  • 两次点击,快速截图
  • 将多个屏幕捕获为单个屏幕截图
  • 截图光学字符识别(OCR)功能
  • 添加文本和评论
  • 用大量注释来活跃和解释事物
  • 添加水印

截取图像和录制视频的首选 Windows 程序

新颖的外观,更熟悉的操作体验:Ashampoo Snap  的界面经过了全面改进,每个工具栏按钮均带有清晰的图标和提示文本信息!并且改进了对声卡的访问,现在可以无损录制的高品质的录音。同时增强了对 4K 高分辨率的捕获能力,优化了设置无需手动调整即可获得出色的效果。让您每次都能完美捕获截图和视频!

File Size: 224.4 MB

With Ashampoo Snap 365, capturing screenshots or videos is a piece of cake! Anything you see on your screen, you can instantly and effortlessly capture. Then, you can edit and augment your shots with graphical elements, auto-numbering, comments, shapes, cliparts, and more, to tell your story visually and in style. Results are easily and instantly shareable. Whether you’re working from home, quickly need to explain a procedure or plan to create an entire tutorial, Snap 365 is the fast lane to success!

New capturing options: It doesn’t get any more practical than this!
Screenshotting used to be a one-way street: Pick a capture mode, then select a screen portion. Misclicked or changed your mind? Start over, there’s no going back! In Snap 16, you can always change your mind without having to start from scratch, thanks to the new menu! Take a shortcut with instant shots, extract multiple screen texts and colors in a row, capture scrolling pages, use timers, and create video recordings. Success is never more than two clicks away!………..


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