
BeLight Art Text 4.4.0 MacOS

MacOSX dsgsd 35浏览 0评论

Art Text是一款用来创造高质量文本图像,标题、商标、图标、网站元素和按钮的Mac OS X程序。由于支持多图层,制造复杂图形变得不费力。可将该程序创建的图形应用于Apple iWork,iWeb,Microsoft Office、BeLight应用程序,以及各种其他文本编辑和网页设计程序。

Language: Multilingual | File size: 741 MB

Graphic Design Software for Everyone. Art Text is graphic design software specifically tuned for lettering, typography, text mockups and various artistic text effects. Supplied with a great variety of ready to use styles and materials, selection of textures, icons, fonts and backgrounds, special designed effects and shape transformations, Art Text guarantees striking appearance of your badges, logos, cards, flyers and presentations.

Graphics that you create in Art Text will be a perfect fit for various document types, such as presentations, flyers, brochures, business cards, and can even spice up photos or create picture captions before uploading to Facebook.

Supported Operation Systems:
macOS 10.14 or later 64-bit


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