
ANSYS GRANTA EduPack 2025 R1 x64

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Ansys Granta EduPack(以前称为CES EduPack)是一套独特的教学资源,可帮助学术界强化与工程、设计、科学和可持续发展领域材料相关的课程。 Granta EduPack(以前称为CES EduPack)是一套独特的教学资源,用于支持材料教育。

Granta EduPack为加强本科生材料教育提供支持。EduPack包括材料和工艺信息数据库、材料选择工具和一系列支持资源。EduPack分为三个级别,以便学生在学习过程中可以获得适当级别的信息。

Granta EduPack还可用于支持各种教学风格,从设计和科学主导的方法到基于问题的教学。

File Size: 2.6 GB

GRANTA EduPack is a unique set of educational resources that support the teaching of materials science in engineering, design, science and sustainable development.

GRANTA EduPack includes
A comprehensive database of materials and process information.
Software tools for exploring materials information.
A range of supporting resources, such as lectures, projects and exercises.

The database and tools are divided into three tiers so that students can access the appropriate level of information on materials as they progress through their studies, from pre-university to postgraduate study.

GRANTA EduPack has been designed to support a wide range of learning styles, from design and science-based approaches to project-based learning.

Advantages of GRANTA EduPack
– Engages students with interactive visual software.
– Teaches transferable skills, including rational selection of materials.
– Saves time searching for reliable data about materials.
– Keeps courses up-to-date by using the latest resources and data.
– Uses resources for self-study.
– Uses real-world industry examples in teaching.
– Promotes interdisciplinary learning, communication, and resource sharing.

ANSYS GRANTA EducationFeatures of GRANTA EduPack for Education
– Reliable information
Obtaining reliable information. Teachers often need information about materials: property data or application information to illustrate a lecture, comparative data between materials, or data sets for student projects. The GRANTA EduPack database contains a library of reliable information about materials.

– Materials Selection
A systematic approach to materials selection. Selecting the right material for an engineering application, or finding a suitable replacement, is a key skill in industry. GRANTA EduPack allows you to learn and apply the rational choice methodology pioneered by Professor Mike Ashby, which is now one of the standard approaches to solving such problems.

– Design projects
Support for design projects. Project-based learning is valuable for engineering, design and science degrees. Students gain knowledge and professional skills such as teamwork, communication and project management. GRANTA EduPack supports learning with data, tools and resources such as project ideas and exercises for students.

– Materials Science and Engineering
Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering. Supports introductory teaching of materials science and engineering with a set of resources to help students explore the relationship between manufacturing processes, design, and the properties of materials.




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