
NESmaker 4.5.9

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NESBox(下载) 是一个多人在线 NES(俗称 FC 红白机) 游戏平台,让你和朋友虽然不能一起蹲在电视机前但也能一起愉快的享受游戏。

NESBox 有用户系统,它主要用来进行好友邀请,另外也能同步用户配置,比如按键、音量、视频渲染等等,所以进入 NESBox 需要先走注册/登录流程,当然,NESBox 除了好友聊天信息外没有过于私密的内容,所以 NESBox 允许使用简单的账户密码快速进入享受游戏。

File size: 145.3 MB

If you want to get the entire kit all at once, the NESmaker Development Kit comes with a copy of a license for the software, a cartridge flasher, and a blank, rewriteable cartridge. It is everything you need to get started in one nice, neat box that fits on your shelf right besides your favorite NES games.

Make Games of All Types
NESmaker comes with prebuilt modules to get new users started creating right away without writing a single line of code.
​Advance Users can dig into the organized code base to go so far as to create entire engines from scratch, aided by NESmaker’s organized structure and asset creation tool chain.

Need Hardware?
Sure, you can play your NESmaker games on emulators, but part of the fun is playing your games on physical cartridges with real hardware!.
We work with Infinite NES Lives and Retro Stage to provide cartridge flashers and reflashable cartridges.
We also offer a full Development Kit, which includes a license for the NESmaker Software, a flasher, a blank cartridge, and a USB cable, all in a standard NES box that can fit on your shelf right next to your favorite titles!

Getting Started is Easy
NESmaker is designed in a way that lets you get started even if you’ve never programmed a game and know nothing about how to code.
Use the tutorials on the LEARN page to create simple games in various genres. And because each genre has tutorial tiers (beginner, intermediate, and advanced), you can dive right into creating no matter your skill level.


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