
UVI Soundbank HX-20 v1.0.1-R2R

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UVI Soundbank HX-20 v1.0.1-R2R screenshot

HX-20 标志着 UVI 新的“HX”系列的首次亮相,它提供强大的新混合架构,将 3 个基于硬件的波表和采样振荡器与物理建模滤波器相结合,对备受推崇的经典进行了深度多功能和创造性的重新构思。从复古的贝斯和主音到独特的声音设计,HX-20 提供了丰富的硬件声音和强大的现代工具集。

利用了 UVI 在采样和物理建模方面的深厚历史,HX-20 提供了一种令人兴奋的新方式来探索你熟悉并喜爱的更广泛的真实硬件声音。控制一对新的基于采样的波表振荡器,提供更大的定制和更精细的硬件原始声音表现,然后将它们与基于采样的振荡器相结合,提供了 UVI 精心制作的硬件声音设计,然后一对物理建模的滤波器则提供了无与伦比的模拟魅力。

HX-20 包括一个相当大的预设库,包括贝斯、铜管、效果音、键盘、主音、铺底、弹拨、音序、琶音等。HX-20 由 13,000+ 的硬件采样库组成,分为 182 层和波表,听起来栩栩如生,具有真实的模拟灵魂。丰富的多层架构,包括模拟建模的滤波器、强大的调制系统、创造性的琶音器/乐句器以及宏和工作室效果器,为你提供了编辑现有预设完美匹配你的想法或从头开始创建自己的声音所需的一切功能。

Team R2R | 26 Dec 2024 | 3.48GB

Iconic Semi-Modular Analog Synth
Unique hardware-based wavetable + sample oscillators
Each oscillator section driven through physically-modeled filters
Powerful, modern reimagining of an iconic vintage classic

An Analog Icon
HX-20 is based on one of the most recognizable and well-loved analog monosynths around, known for its versatile semi-modular architecture, iconic front panel design, and starred musical history. Launched in the late ’70s, this small two-oscillator monosynth has a lot to offer, and continues to be an inspirational studio compadre for artists around the world.

More Than The Sum
The success of this synth wasn’t due to any single design consideration, instead it benefits from its combination of great features, fantastic sound, and compelling value. From the rich analog oscillators to its versatile filter section, to being both semi-modular – capable of integrating with external inputs and larger systems, to being relatively light and portable, there is simply a lot to love.

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