
NoiseWorks DynAssist 2.1.4

Windows dsgsd 27浏览 0评论


NoiseWorks DynAssist 在 GainAimPro 的基础上进行了改进和扩展。新的 “循环分析 ”模式提供了一种快速的方法来监控长音频录音的调整,而 “聆听 ”模式则可以更精确地调整呼吸和咝声识别的参数。有些制造商会将这些额外功能留到收费的新版本中使用,而 NoiseWorks 则免费提供这种升级。

DynAssist 的功能令人印象深刻。该插件本质上是数字录音室助手,负责编辑录音,尤其是语音录音。DynAssist 可控制音量,智能消除不必要的噪音,创建干净的录音,然后轻松进行混音。由于集成了 ARA,整个过程没有延迟,CPU 负载几乎为零–这个录音室助手不需要计算能力。耗时的编辑工作已成为过去,为创作过程留出了更多空间。

专业声音的秘诀在于对录音进行细致的编辑。准备充分的音轨对压缩有更好的反应,使声音更均匀、更清晰。NoiseWorks DynAssist 可承担这项任务,从四个方面对录音进行编辑。“Ride “可将音轨的音量调整到 LUFS-I 的目标响度,而不会产生抽气假象。“Vox-Gate “正如其名:一个门,但由于人工智能的支持,它的工作非常简洁,没有阈值参数,而是真正识别人声活动。“呼吸 “可确保呼吸声得到适当的平整,而 ”咝声 “则可处理刺耳的 S 音。所有四个方面都可以调整,以适应录音要求或个人喜好。这样,就能以最小的代价获得真正干净的音轨。

除名称外,DynAssist 与 GainAimPro 相比最明显的变化是其用户界面。NoiseWorks 充分考虑了用户的反馈意见,对界面进行了全面改造。参数不再遮挡波形。每个功能都有自己的选项卡,还增加了一个 “全部 ”视图,可从一个窗口访问所有参数。对预置管理器和旁路进行了修改,并增加了时间轴,这对新的 “循环分析 ”模式尤为重要:分析只包括时间轴选择,因此尝试预置和调整参数不再需要捕捉整个文件。通过 “聆听 ”模式,可以在 “呼吸 ”和 “共振 ”部分监测受影响的信号部分,从而更精确地调整设置。DynAssist 可以处理长达 5 小时的音频文件。新版插件通过 Windows DirectML 利用强大的图形卡处理能力进行分析,速度提高了四倍。

File Size: 366.3 MB

Vocal editing has never been so easy.
✓ Perfectly leveled gain
✓ Match signal to your target loudness (LUFS-I)
✓ AI – Vox Gate
✓ Breath detection
✓ Sibilance detection
✓ Instrument Mode.

How much time have you wasted editing vocals manually?

To properly edit one hour of voice material, it takes more than an hour and a half to accomplish that!
This is way too long…
DynAssist | Edit vocals in seconds with max precision | GainAimPro – Automation – NoiseWorks | Target Slider in LUFS-I GainAimPro – NoiseWorks

1. Perfectly leveled gain
DynAssist writes a volume automation for vocal riding and to match your desired target loudness in LUFS-I.

2. Clean edited voice
First, DynAssists AI detects breaths, sibilance, and pauses. Then, based on your settings, the volume automation edits these parts to lower breaths and sibilance and to gate pauses.

Your advantages using DynAssist

✓ Voice editing in a few seconds
With DynAssist, you can speed up the time-consuming process of vocal editing.
DynAssist detects gain, sibilance, breaths, and pauses, and edits them according
to your settings over your entire clip in just a few seconds.
This gives you more time to focus on important tasks.

✓ Better sound quality
Whether it’s a podcast, dialogue, or singing: Consistent volume, well-leveled breaths & sibilance, and gated pauses form the foundation for a professional sound.
The vocal rider with infinite lookahead already knows the volume envelope of your signal, including any loudness peaks, avoiding any pumping and guaranteeing a well-leveled vocal – a common problem with classic real-time vocal riders.
The AI Vox Gate works based on voice activity, preventing cutting the last or first syllable.
Extremely precise breath detection.
Extremely precise sibilance detection.

✓ Max control with max precision
The entire editing process of DynAssist is always based on your settings.
You decide the strength of gain riding, how loud breaths or sibilance should be,
and also how long pauses must last to be processed as well.

If you wish to edit the automation manually, you always have the option to switch to edit mode.
Here, you can move points or create and delete them, giving you maximum control over the automation.

Click here to learn more about DynAssist and its features.
Read the manual from the dev site before using it.





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