
UVI Soundbank Quadra Modular v1.0.2-R2R

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UVI Soundbank Quadra Modular v1.0.2-R2R screenshot

UVI 宣布发布了一款新的创意 4 声部多重乐器,它融合了模拟和数字模块化合成器的原始声音,创造出了强大而令人激动的的新乐器。

Quadra Modular 允许你从大量多采样模块化合成器中进行选择,可创建动态而不断发展的音序,具有集中而直观的工作流程,强大的琶音器和乐句音序器,富有表现力的性能控制,深度的原厂音色库等。

Quadra Modular 是一种多功能且富有创意的乐器,能够以多种方式塑形和演奏,适合于任何风格的作品。带有大量的模块化合成器,包括从小型到大型独立系统、独特和定制系统、经典和现代模拟、数字、混合、eurorack 等的所有内容——用户可以通过重点突出灵感迸发的工具自由探索和创建复杂的分层声音、自适应渐进和令人眼花缭乱的音序。

Quadra 系列乐器的设计是为了立即激发灵感,提供了 4 个可定制的乐器层,支持键盘区域,XY 和动态塑形,完全可编辑的合成和众多的效果。高级的 64 步琶音器和带有音高漂移、音阶量化等功能的乐句音序器,完善了软件包,增加了强大而富有表现力的表现控制。Quadra Modular 带有一系列令人印象深刻的原厂音色,提供了数百个独特的手工制作的音色,随时可供探索。Quadra 中的所有预设都是完全可编辑的,可作为你自己创作之旅的绝佳起点,或作为你自己作品的现成灵感。

Team R2R | 26 Dec 2024 | 5.05GB

Multi-Instrument and Sequence Designer
Creative 4-layer morphable instrument with advanced sequencers
Artful preset library offers instant inspiration across many styles
Curated selection of sounds from a wide range of modular synthesizers

30 modular systems in a multi-instrument and sequence designer
Quadra Modular is a powerful 4-part multi-instrument and sequence designer, ideal for the creation of dynamic, rhythmic, and evolving sequences utilizing an incredible selection of patches created on a wide range of modular synthesizers, from vintage to modern, stand-alone to fully customized and purpose-built systems. We approached recording these beasts as if they were acoustic instruments, creating discrete velocity layers and round-robins in order to capture their organic soul.

Quadra is a versatile instrument, capable of a wide range of sounds and uses from standard fare instrumentation to evolving, complex, and adaptive progressions and harmonizations that can be morphed and performed in numerous ways to suit the needs of your production. With a masterful selection of hundreds of professionally designed presets, Quadra offers incredible sound quality and near endless inspiration on-demand.

Quadra leverages a powerful instrument selection, deep factory library, focused and intuitive workflow, and expressive performance controls to deliver cinematic sound quality and near endless musical inspiration.

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